British Comedy Guide

Topical Monopoly

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton are sitting around a table playing a game of Monopoly.

It’s your turn honey, better luck with this go

Roll a 6 and you’ll be splashing out on my Mayfair hotel


Eleven…right that puts me on…

Income tax!

That used to be only £200 before I changed the board

HILLARY (sarcastically):
Thanks, Bill

If I was in charge of course I would lower the tax for people like you, Hillary, who are clearly struggling

Enough Barack, I can manage just fine

I can loan you some, sweetie?

I already owe you enough, you buying me Oxford Street has kept me afloat

But with no hotels I think it could be game over for you

I’m doing fine! And that’s easy for you to say, you’re swimming in money

You may have to sell some of your property to afford this, honey

Stop it! I’m not out of the game yet!…

…How much for Old Kent Road?


Think I'm missing something here (obviously not keeping up with the US elections too well -- though the whole process is dragging on longer than the Zimbabwean ones) so don't quite get it.

There's not really enough 'action' in there though. Just feels like three people talking to me and hence a bit uneventful.

That's probably no use whatsoever as a critique so I apologise.


Yeah I see what you mean. I was trying to play on the fact that Hillary's really behind in the Democratic race but refuses to give up. And trying to throw the odd joke about Bill helping to fund her, it's not the greatest!

Hmm not a bad idea, but a bit of a good idea that doesn't go very far.

And the end is just odd. Must be a joke in Bill gets a goto jail card, and ignores. If Congress couldn't make him goto Jail, no damn card is.

Can't believe I missed out on a jail reference. Well spotted. And yeah, you can tell I was struggling on an ending. Bill ignoring a go to jail card is far better than that one.

A gag that wasnt very funny and 99.9% of Brits wouldnt get its gonna struggle!

As an aside - try reading your dialogue out loud:

"If I was in charge of course I would lower the tax for people like you, Hillary, who are clearly struggling"

Thats a sentence thats as comfortable in the mouth as one of Bills "cigars"

M Lewis which gag were you knocking MLewis?

Just a small point, as I think that sootyj has already critiqued pretty well, but would they be playing a UK version of monopoly?

Monopoly is distributed in most countries so finding out which are the correct property names shouldn't be difficult.

Depends who your audience is.

Ah now that's a real goody, you could have a wide range of funny names for all the individual streets?


Israel street, that's going to cost us billions every time we land on it, Tibet street it's cheap so we need to sell it out quickly.

Thudingly obvious satire, dontcha love t!

Quote: sootyj @ May 14 2008, 2:26 PM BST

M Lewis which gag were you knocking MLewis?

The whole thing.

Cripes you've insulted the author, and just under 65 million people.

Are you auditioning for Gordon Brown's speech writer?

Quote: Sofa_Matt @ May 14 2008, 3:27 PM BST

Just a small point, as I think that sootyj has already critiqued pretty well, but would they be playing a UK version of monopoly?

Monopoly is distributed in most countries so finding out which are the correct property names shouldn't be difficult.

Depends who your audience is.

That was the trouble, I was writing it with a UK audience in mind who would be more familiar with the UK version. But then why would Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama be playing the UK version?!

I like sootyj's idea. I think there is comedy to be found in high ranking US Government officials playing Monopoly, I just couldn't find it!

There is definately an 'international monopoly sketch' idea here that is worth exploring.....using sootyj's fake street names idea coupled with the players being international statesmen/figures trying to resolve global economy issues via a game of monopoly...

First to post wins :)

Got to go Whistling nnocently eerrr someone at the door.

Yeah, mention 'Monopoly: World Leaders' Edition' and make some reference to getting fake 'wire transfer to the Bahamas' devices inside.

Take a 'Chance': You have won 2nd prize in a Nuclear Weapons contest. Collect US$100,000,000 from each president/prime minister/tyrant.


PErhaps world leaders playing Risk instead?

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