British Comedy Guide

Dipping my toe in the pool of sitcom...

Hi there! I'm Stu. I've been interested in writing for the screen for quite some time now but never really got off my backside to do anything about it. Anyway, after some thought I've decided I'd like to concentrate my efforts on sitcom so here I am.

I bought Marc Blake's How To Be A Sitcom Writer book on the recommendation of this site and so far I'm finding it really useful. I'm having a couple of issues with formatting, though, and that's why I'm on here. Hopefully all the experienced writers on here will be able to help me out a bit.

I'll have to get some kind of groovy picture next to my name too. Something else for me to figure out.



On formatting, it's worth looking at BBC Writers' Room where you can freely download the Script Smart format and take a look at some sample scripts in a variety of formats (radio, film, TV)

Welcome to the forum buddy.

Welcome, welcome, welcome Stuart and if you're the last post on the site tonight could you check the front door and turn out the light please.

Hi Stuart,

I too bought the same book. Welcome to this world

I bought Marcs book recently, helped me a bit I think too.

Welcome, welcome.

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Beef Stu.

Yey the first part is moving yer backside. Mine was glued so took a bit longer.

I have purchased Marc Blake's book to. Bargain at half the price. 4 squids. I have only just started reading it, but it seems to offer some sound advice.
(Hey that was a rhyme)
I have no sitcom experience to offer you atall. I am a newbie. However if you need advice on anything else then i am your gal. Not that I am any good at it. I am just a nosey cow. (another rhyme. Move over Pam strange hairs). I do have 1 suicidal friend who has not succeded yet, does that give me any criteria for an exp. advisor. I think it may.

Welcome Beef Stu, and no doubt we will hear more from you. (I am fooking talented with this accidental rhyming shite)

I also knew a girl who tried to kill herself a couple of times. On one occasion she tried to drown herself in the sink. I don't think her heart was really in it. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall. I imagine the whole incident was full of comic value. In a sad and very dark way, of course. I don't think she feels suicidal any longer, so looking back and laughing can only be a good thing. Surely. Please feel free to reassure me.

Laughing out loud
Stuart, it is funny and we must laugh. I love black humour. I am sure when she looks back it is with amusement. Especialy trying to drown one self in a sink. The visions in my head are hysterical. Obviously it was just a cry for help. If you want to succeed in that game you do, so to me it has loads of comic value. My poor suicidal friend often throws herself out of her living room window. Now thats a good 2 foot drop....Bless her.
xxxx Wave

I had a suicidal girlfriend (Hey wait a darn second nothing to do with me) she would go on about killing herself all the time and try to over dose on Lemonsip very middle class she was. I offered guaranteed options for her, but she was a trooper and was convinced to do it in the most bizarre way possible. "If I put this tin of red paint on the door it'll hit me as I walk in and I might enrage a bull, and it'll trample me." you know seems a little lame to me mightr as well be a professional about it

i like the Chris Morris thing in Jam where a guy chucks himself out of a ground floor window 40 times rather than jumping off a 40-storey building in case he changes his mind halfway through.

hi Stuart.

Even Babies try it. They get so upset and work themselves into a stupor then hold their breath. Their little faces go red then blue then grey, then they go floppy and pass out for a few seconds.
Scared the crap out of me the first time it happened. I was like Son you are 16 months old, you can not have a ciggie. I gave in eventualy, he has been smoking, drinking and bringing gals back ever since... I will not have his premature death on my conscience.

Hi Scott. Yes I love Chris Morris. That is an excellent sketch. His ideas are so bizarre, but they're so simple that they just seem so obvious, and sometimes they even seem to make sense. I long to be offered a sperm coffin.

Seeing him in The IT Crowd was a bit disappointing, though.

Yeah Stu, I suppose. The IT Crowd gave me a warm feeling, though. As much as I like 'modern' comedy, I admire IT Crowd's traditional values.

Being arch is good, but it hurts your back after a while.

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