British Comedy Guide

Which alien is the biggest arsehole?

Aliens tcch, they come here in their big fancy starships, and basically f**k with us. Who do they bloody think they are?

Probing Rednecks up the bum, making us build pyrmaids, and impregnating the royal family.

But which are the biggest arseholes?

ET, an old guy with no pants. He hides in kids closets, and then touches them with his magic finger.

Alf, you're jsut not funny.

or The Alien, an interspecies rapist with a dribble problem.

Moving to general.

Sorry Sooty see nothing to "Critique" here really.

Who remembers this:

Listen out for Andi Peters saying "What is Snowboarding?"

The broooomcupboard!

All was right with the world back then!

Yep! Old school, back in the day... *reminisces*

Xtro. Because it gave me nightmares for two months after seeing it when I was a kid.

Mr Spock, for being so badly in denial.

You know love Jim, you bloody do, so just say so already.

The Predator.

But I see through him.

"Mum can we go big game hunting on the Predator's planet? I bet they don't wear full hunting gear there & we should be able to bag a few, easily."

I thought the most Ineffectual Aliens Prize would have to go to the combined G'Guggvunt/Vl'hurg invasion fleet which, through a 'terrible miscalculation of scale was swallowed by a small dog'...

Eyyyy! :D

Yeh but bless 'em they were tryers.

What about the Dr, have you noticed no ones invading the earth, when he's not around.

Well except for when they pick on TOrchwood, but it's the same principle inn it?

I reckon he's the interstellar equivalent of window sales men who pay kids to break your windows.

Has to be the aliens in Sim City...spending hours building a utopia and then watching your handiwork get pulverized sucks arse through a straw...

I used to do that on purpose...but isn't the Alien under "natural disasters" in the game? haha

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