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Act Your Age

I just got an email about a new panel game coming up on Radio 4.

Act Your Age pits the comic generations against each other to discover which is the funniest.

Simon Mayo is the host presiding over a battle between three teams of top comedians - the Up-and-Comers, the Current Crop and the Old Guard. Which generation, for this week at least, will be crowned the Golden Age of Comedy?

Recording at the BBC Radio Theatre, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London on Thursday 22 May. Doors open at 9.15pm and the recording is expected to finish at 11pm.

I have my doubts over it. Anything that has an expression that features the phrase "the Golden Age of..." always tends to get me worked up. Damn nostalgia.

Sounds alright to me!

Not sure about Simon Mayo and comedy, but he might be okay.

A series of six starts next Thursday, November 27th, at 6.30pm on Radio 4. Team captains are Jon Richardson for the Up and Comers, Lucy Porter representing the Current Crop, and Roy Walker on behalf of the Old Guard. Guests in the first show are Josh Howie, Stephen K Amos and Barry Cryer.

I wouldn't be too worried about the 'Golden Age' aspect. It's not nostalgic. It's just a comedy competition between three comedy generations.

Oh boo! I love a good bit of that nostalgia!

Sounds very interesting though. I'll definitely give it a listen. :)

Finally getting around to listening to this, and must say that it's absolutely hilarious. Great to hear proper gags. I'm really very embarrassed of the review and 'award' we've given it. Totally undeserved, IMO. Hopefully there'll be a second series, with lots more Barry Cryer.

Quote: Aaron @ March 9 2009, 2:09 PM GMT

Finally getting around to listening to this, and must say that it's absolutely hilarious.

I'll be giving it a miss then. :D

You just do that. :)

I think you'll find this has been covered in my legendary "Current Radio Comedy..." thread. I liked it, though. Although I thought there were a few too many teams. They should have just had old versus new.

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