British Comedy Guide

New to the Internet


BLOKE:Right. That seems to be everything installed now. Excellent. So I’m on the internet. The Information Superhighway. Ready to download some URLs, share some peers and virus-check all my HTMLs. All the world’s information accessible on this small screen in front of me. Possibly the most impressive invention in the history of mankind, bringing people from all cultures and countries together to...


BLOKE:Oooh! Porn!

It's good, but has a strangely familiar feel to it. I dont know whether it's because I recognise the plot from elsewhere or whether it's just a bit predictable.

If nobobody else here recognises it then it could be a winner. :)

It would get a laugh from certain audiences. But to be honest, it is quite 'old'.

Agree that the theme seems to be quite old and done before. That said, if you're just starting out with the sketch-writing malarkey (as we all were at some time), it's a good, solid 'starter' sketch and you're getting the basics right.


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