Nobody's mentioned anything about (an uncommonly sober) Vegas on Jonathan Ross last night. Wossy probed him about the "incident" but Vegas basically said nothing improper went on but he'll say no more about it because he feels uncomfortable about having to "defend his act". Fair enough I suppose.
But I know that if I was a celeb of Vegas's stature I'd be very keen to set the record straight. Could it be that the story goes like this:
Vegas gets a woman up on stage. Vegas enacts a bizarre Sleeping Beauty fantasy. Vegas fondles and fingers a woman on stage. People object. A LOT of people. Vegas's agents / advisors shit themselves and immediately book him on Jonny Ross in a damage limitation exercise. Case closed.
It may be that this is all bullshit - but from what I've read a lot of people felt intensely uncomfortable in the audience that night and Vegas had a great opportunity on Ross's show to give the lowdown on what happened. But he didn't.
I wasn't there so I don't even know why I'm writing this. I normally detest reactionary gun-jumpers but you can't ignore the amount of people that are saying something wrong went on that night.
What worries me the most is people talking about the girl in question, as if it makes it alright because she didn't object to what was going on. Well anyone that's been to a comedy club before will know that if you get dragged onstage, you do things you wouldn't normally do, simply because of peer pressure. The performer and audience are all willing you to go that extra mile and you do, against your better judgement.
I've experienced it myself at the hands of the comedy duo Die Clatterschenkenfietermaus. (Great act by the way) But if a friend had told me to get on my knees in front of 200 people and pretend to perform oral sex on another man, I'd tell him to f**k right off. But because I was in a comedy club, I felt I couldn't say no because it'd ruin the act and I'd come off looking a killjoy twat. So I did it. I was also made to lay face-down on the stage for f**king ages as part of their act. Of course what I didn't tell them was that I was recovering from a broken shoulder at the time. So there I was, lying on the stage face down in f**king agony, pretending to laugh along with what was happening. It all seemed quite natural at the time but the next morning I had to go to hospital because my shoulder had completely frozen, and I was sat there thinking to myself "You stupid twat, why didn't you just say "no"?"
And there's the issue I think. If this Vegas incident did happen, (and I'm still unconvinced it did) but IF it did, I imagine the girl in question went home afterwards and questioned her motives in letting it happen just like I did.
I've nothing personally against audience participation but the humour doesn't have to come from a bad place. Obviously there's gonna be pisstaking but there's a fine line and I personally HATE it when comedy turns into bullying.
Ooo that was a long post.