Good evening this is the British National Party. This is a message to all you Polish, Rumanian, and other foreign immigrants. Who come over here and take all our jobs in plumbing, carpentry, and agricultural work.
We in the BNP have got one thing to say to you. Come back, we're really super, super sorry we were so rude to you. Now you've gone, there's no one to do the jobs we weren't prepared to do in the first place.
Our toilets are blocked, and the job centre's expecting some of us to retrain for employment. Soon we won't have any time for crying over pictures of Hitler, or denying the Holocaust. So please come back, we're really sorry.
Nick Griffin's even baked you a cake, he iced it himself, it's got fruit and everything. Please come back, or we'll just come on endless drunken stags to your country, and show you our bums.