Int. Kitchen
A man is reading the newspaper at a table. A woman enters.
Woman: Look what I found in Johnny's room.
The man looks over the top of his paper. The woman is holding a pack of cigarettes.
Man: He's probably just looking after them for someone.
Woman: They were with a lighter and a full ashtray.
Man: Oh.
Woman: (CALLS) Johnny! JOHNNY!
Johnny - a small boy - enters.
Johnny: Yeah?
The woman holds out the cigarettes.
Woman: Are these yours?
Johnny: Yeah. I wondered where they were.
Woman: (TO MAN) Can you believe this?
Johnny: Can I have 'em back? I'm gasping.
Woman: No you can not! And I want to know where you got 'em from. Was it that Tommy Taylor?
Johnny: Uh no.
Woman: Then who was it?
Johnny: Uh...
Man: It doesn't matter who it was.
Woman: Yes it does! Now, Johnny, where did you get 'em from?
Johnny: Off Dad.
The man ducks below his newspaper.
Woman: Is this true?!
Man: No.
Johnny: He said he'd swap me a pack of fags for my porn mag.
Woman: What?!
Man: He's lying.
Woman: Look me in the eye and say that.
Man: No.
The woman pulls the newspaper away. It reveals the man looking at a previously concealed porn mag.
Man: It's... a... supplement?