British Comedy Guide

Pub Joke Sketch

Another quick Sketch.


You heard that joke about the thieving scouser?

No, go on tell us it.

Oh actually it wasn't a thieving scouser joke. It was the joke about the alcoholic scotsman. So, have you heard the joke about the alcoholic scotsman?

No, I haven't heard the joke about the alcoholic scotsman, what is it?

(STARTS TO THINK) Or was it the prison full of black men joke? Or the dizzy blonde joke?

Bloody hell Jack, what's the joke? If you don't know it, just shut up or wait until you see the bloke who told you the joke and ask him what it is.

Can I phone him now? Because it will do me head in.

Yeah OK, what's his name?

Stereotype Steve.

Quote: Paul Carroll @ April 23 2008, 4:48 PM BST

Bloody hell Jack, what's the joke? If you don't know it, just shut up or wait until you see the bloke who told you the joke and ask him what it is.

This line is far too long and contains too much. It isn't something that someone would say. They'd probably just say "Forget it, it doesn't matter".

I didn't see the punchline coming, but it wasn't very strong. If I'm completely harsh, I don't think it's a strong premise for a sketch.

Ah well, just a quick idea. Thanks Winterlight.

It's a bit wordy and unnatural in places as Winterlight says but I don't think it's a bad idea. Maybe if it mixes up classic old joke lines and punchlines it would help.

VERY bad/extreme example.

Jack: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he was a singer eating a biscuit (Lionel Rich Tea). No wait a minute....

Quote: Tuumble @ April 23 2008, 5:10 PM BST

It's a bit wordy and unnatural in places as Winterlight says but I don't think it's a bad idea. Maybe if it mixes up classic old joke lines and punchlines it would help.

VERY bad/extreme example.

Jack: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he was a singer eating a biscuit (Lionel Rich Tea). No wait a minute....

Personally I would advise against taking that route because it really is well-trodden ground. As in you'd need an excavator and then a tractor rather than wellies.

Now this might seem like scant praise, but...

It worked in a non-way for me.
As in, I found the punchline amusing because it was kind of a let-down. It was just silly, really, and I kind of liked it. However, nobody's ever going to look at it and think: "My, that's a well-crafted, funny, genius sketch!" so I would leave it out of the portfolio!

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