British Comedy Guide

Humvee Mugabe.


Good evening Middle Aged middle manager with erectile dysfunction, and welcome to Top Gear. We on Top Gear have been accused of not caring about the effect of cars on the third world.

It'll take enough grain to feed an African family for a year, to power an SUV for just 50 miles.

So tonight I'll be test driving the Humvee Mugabe. It runs on ground up Africans.

Actually I thought this was good. But then I like harshness, often just for the sake of being harsh. It was a simple gag, and not overly long.

it's harsh but not that funny.

im the least politcally correct person out there but this is shit

Quote: Oliver @ April 22 2008, 12:55 PM BST

it's harsh but not that funny.

im the least politcally correct person out there but this is shit

No manners but what a critic!

I didn't find it terribly funny either, but then as you know, I've always struggled with this 'torn from the headlines' stuff.

Might sell on an ITV sketch show, saturday evening, localised to Yorkshire

Quote: Oliver @ April 22 2008, 2:10 PM BST

Might sell on an ITV sketch show, saturday evening, localised to Yorkshire

Oooh, this Oliver is a saucy one!

Fair play, it's not very good. Haven't sent it anywhere, and as ever experimenting with different forms, and structures of comedy.

But why pick on Yorkshire?

why not pick on Yorkshire!

My background is investment banking. I am a stock broker to the masses and my worst, hardest call is to a Yorkshireman. They are so blinkered and annoying it makes my eyes pop.

Hey I happen to lots of Yorkshire friends, God's blessed country.

My wife's ex-boyfriend is from Yorkshire. He tried it on again not long after we'd had a baby...bastard!

Woe! Is this turning into the anti Yorkshire thread, behave, Yorkshiremen are human too (well most of them).

Quote: sootyj @ April 21 2008, 3:32 PM BST

It'll take enough grain to feed an African family for a year, to power an SUV for just 50 miles.

Aside from a car running on dead blacks not being very funny...the above line is shocking.

That's funny -- I'm a Yorkshireman and my hardest, toughest call is to a stockbroker...

Sooty -- Quite liked it. Bit harsh at the end so soften it up. It'd fit in better in Headcases than Tilt methinks. The grain line is not laugh-out-loud funny but is very JC in tone, so I think you've hit it right there.


Gosh why do people only comment when I suck, this must be what it's like to be Monica Lewinsky.

This was more of an angry skit. It takes the provision of grain to feed a family for a year to fill a tank in an SUV, and I thought JC running a car on the worlds poorest, to be not entirely improbable. It does make me cross that people will die so some balding middle manager, can feel manly.

That said I think we should be investing more in GM crops.

That said it probably wasn't that funny a skit.

Quote: swerytd @ April 22 2008, 3:36 PM BST

That's funny -- I'm a Yorkshireman and my hardest, toughest call is to a stockbroker...

Sooty -- Quite liked it. Bit harsh at the end so soften it up. It'd fit in better in Headcases than Tilt methinks. The grain line is not laugh-out-loud funny but is very JC in tone, so I think you've hit it right there.


Maybe we should do business.

Might result in a brain explosion....I just dealt some rbs to a Yorksireman...I.R.O.N.Y

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