I have been browsing these here forums for a few weeks after stumbling across you from a random Google search. I liked what I read, so I thought I would register and introduce myself properly.
I have been writing a 'humourous' blog (anonymously) for the last couple of years, and in that time it has become quite popular (for a blog). As a result, I have decided to try my hand scripted comedy.
Other things about me you should be aware of, I am not a mentalist and everything on my criminal record can be explained away by youthful exuberance. Or being dared. I am a sucker for a good dare.
Until recently I had a high powered job dealing with banks in The City and stuff. Honestly, it was dead important. But I decided on a change of pace, giving me more time to do things I enjoy. Like introducing myself to perfect strangers on the Internet.
I am reasonably smart and have absolutely no intention of being 'groomed', so don't even try. That last time was a one-off and I was very drunk.
I guess next up is for me to post some of my stuff to Critique, right?