Not very funny.
How did this thread get so long?
In the words of Elvis Costello,
"I hope you're happy now,"
Not very funny.
How did this thread get so long?
In the words of Elvis Costello,
"I hope you're happy now,"
By people repeating themselves?
(Was that deliberate?)
I don't think so.
That happens sometimes. Possibly if you press 'submit' twice by accident...
I'd like the character of Ed Asner to be played by an actor called Lou Grant.
Quote: Goldnutmeg @ April 20 2008, 1:49 AM BSTHi,
Just come down for glass of water in the middle of the night and saw this. Maybe this is just a mixed up dream but wasn't he an outspoken president of the Screen Actors' Guild who was involved in a Guild Strike a few decades back? So him walking out is the equivalent of Miriam Karlin in The Rag Trade saying "Everybody Out!" The "shop" in this sense is "union shop" but the word "shop" is used to mislead peeps - the "Ed Asner" is the clue and the "promptly walks out" is the punchline. Are you Reagan reincarnated? Or am I sleepwalking and dreaming this ...? lol