Quote: zooo @ May 23 2008, 1:14 PM BSTI love skidding!
That punk girl doesn't know the meeeaning of the word punk.
Punks skid. Definitely.
The Inbetweeners - Series 1 Page 13
Right, I watched episode 6 this morning. Have to say, it's not the best. Certainly the lightest on laughs. But still very realistic, very funny in places, and entertaining. Ties things up nicely, with enough room for a second series. Pity that the show went downhill a bit (from a peak of episode 3, probably), but still probably the best new series so far this year.
And I won't spoil it for anyone by going further.
The more I watch this show the more in love with it I fall.
For those that haven't yet seen, we've got a competition running at the moment to win some Inbetweeners DVDs / props:
Probably one of the funniest things on at the moment. First episode was ok but since it has been really good.
One of the funniest things that I have ever seen in my entire life and easily the best thing that E4 that has ever produced. I must admit, I have a fairly low opinion of E4 (as well as Channel 4) but this has definitely earned it some browny points.
The dialogue is wonderful. All the idiotic conversations, taking the piss out of each other, obsessing over girls who probably wouldn't give you the time of day. It's all so perfect. Basically, it's the most accurate depiction of what it's like to be a 17 year old boy that you're ever likely to see on television. I had three really goods friends that I hung around with in school most of the time so I can definitely relate to it.
Quote: Aaron @ May 28 2008, 1:12 AM BSTAgreed!
Yay, someone agrees with me about a TV show! The last time that happened, the jury was still out on whether or not the Earth was flat.
Because I'm a geek who sits near his PC, I'll give some closing thoughts.
Brilliant. Surprise hit of the year.
All four characters come across brilliantly, despite the being 'lived' through Will, they all had stand out moments. Jay's delivery is quite superb and he never fails to raise a laugh. He's such a realistic character and every line is spot on.
The way Jay (who started off as 2D) gradually got fleshed out and you could sympathise with him, was real well executed.
The use of Simon as the 'everyman' character - a la Tim from The Office was a masterstroke, and the juxtaposition of Neil being a dummy with the fact he gets the most action than anyone was a nice move on the writer's part.
I'm not totally sure about Will and the blonde bird mind, that's slightly out of the realism realms but other than that it's been fantastic.
Oh, that was a lovely ending. 'Cause I want to be a director, I really loved the last shots of them all laying around one the trampoline, with their large shadows.
I grew to like Jay more, his moments with the guy who kept eating the burgers showed a different side to him, which we all needed to see. His delivery of the line "I didn't have no f**king chips," was brilliant, and I'm glad Simon never told Carly his feelings, just yet anyway.
I also liked the bit where Mark threatened Will, and everyone turned on him, so to speak. Then as Will was about to make his peech they all turned away. Hopefully, I'll add more to this.
"A bit too jazzy?"
"That sounds a little rapey."
Watched this for the first time today. I've now seen all apart from the last 2, I f**king love it! It's so much better than Skins. It's so realistic it's scary. And I think I've found something I'll enjoy quoting more than Alan Partridge.
"Please don't wank over my mum"
"She'll be frothing at the gash!"
I heart Jay! By the end of the series he was my favourite.
And I've just realised who he reminds me of.

(Er, sorry Jay...)
Haha! I know what zooo's been watching today. But you're right though.
Does Jay remind anyone else of Russell Howard too?