The Green Lantern...for those that don't know who he is....he had a great ring piece !!!
If you were a superhero... Page 2
Quote: Lee Brown @ April 18 2008, 8:56 PM BSTThe Green Lantern...for those that don't know who he is....he had a great ring piece !!!
Green Lanterned sucks, I could beat him up with one finger....if taht finger was painted yellow of course.
Later on they fixed that problem by finding the source of their rings powers was keeping something prisoner if I remember properly. But Latern does suck ass.
Quote: Gavin @ April 18 2008, 9:01 PM BSTLater on they fixed that problem by finding the source of their rings powers was keeping something prisoner if I remember properly.
I've been nerd bitch slapped.
I should put a quarter in my ass cause I just got played! daaaaaaaamn! *Curt awkwardly tries to fold his arms in a hip hop way*
LOL! Funny thing is I've never read any comics it's all research I was doing for a cartoon I wrote few years back
Cool may I ask what the cartoon was about?
Yeah a group of super power kids who saved their town, started writing a feature with Jude as well Little Ninjas Vs Girlie Pirates which is very exicitng. They find a set of anicent eggs that hold the spirits of ancient Ninja's and get the power of the ninjas and the god that the ninja's trapped.
One of them had his powers taken off him becuase he was a bit wreckless with them

Cool, yea I saw that on your website. Sort of a spoof of the Dragonball type cartoons.
Kinda ye they take the outfits from stuff they seen. But the costumes are alot different now to then. It was more Martail arts then but now its more super lol! so the outfits are leaner and alot more sylish.
I think I'll refrain from passing comment!
Lol got BBC intrested few years back in doing an xmas special like Wallace and Gromit kinda thing so wasnt all that bad.
I was thinking of becoming captain ELvis,
I'd leave criminals all shook up, and no one would be able to evade my suspicious mind.
I'd be BatMana
(pretty self-explanatory...)