You can put me on minus 2 if you still believe you're right
Quiz ya! Page 7
Heh heh heh. Badge wins.
And I deduct 2 points from the Quizmaster, for failing to utilise his shift key!
Quote: Aaron @ April 18 2008, 10:25 AM BSTHeh heh heh. Badge wins.
And I deduct 2 points from the Quizmaster, for failing to utilise his shift key!
Hi, peeps. sorry absent today - busy innit.
On the matter of the shift key Aaron I haven't been able to make out whether the key itself is a bit dodgy or the Vista OS keeps interfering in everything I type. It's annoying me too.
Back soon.
Quote: Badge @ April 18 2008, 1:19 AM BSTYou can put me on minus 2 if you still believe you're right
Ok, ok, don't get off your bike! The quiz was intended as a bit of fun y'know.
It may well be that you are correct but I still have a small doubt. It was sometime in the last six months that I was given the definition I described and although I can't for the life of me remember where it came from it was, I think, a believable source. The other point made at the time was that your definition was not just a common misconception but so widespread and ingrained that it persisted even amongst the various professionals involved. Hence my small doubt remains.
The reason i mentioned a point penalty was only to emphasise that someone has to make the decisions and keep order. That can only be the Quizmaster with the aim being to keep the event on track. I certainly don't claim to be infallible and I've been caught out many times by ''being sold a pup'' as you say. All kinds of question sources can be unreliable and I do endeavour to check as much as I can.
I think I now lean towards your definition but will research further out of curiosity.
For now, the question is voided and I will post the adjusted scores when I get time.
I claim over all quiz victory because I am a bear and bears do that sort of thing.
Quote: roscoff @ April 18 2008, 11:04 PM BSTI claim over all quiz victory because I am a bear and bears do that sort of thing.
Er, yeah.
Roscoff can I just point out that you have to answer a question correctly or a question at all in your case in order to score!
Ok, i wasn't going to put any up at the moment cos not many people on line.Give me a minute and I'll find one so you have a chance.
Ok here goes - and open to everyone. Firtst correct answer gets the point.
Q18/. ''What vegetable do you associate with James Bond films?''
Quote: jacparov @ April 17 2008, 9:18 PM BST14. Lewis Carroll
Motor operations test.
Edited by Aaron.
Capitals again Aaron? Have I unwittingly signed up for an English refresher course?
Thingy - I believe I got 14. Lewis Carroll!
Q18/. Roger Moore?
And er 18. Broccolli
Broccolli is correct for 1 point and, at my discretion, a bonus point for Roger Moore.
Noted I owe u the other point for Q14/.
More later.
Quote: jacparov @ April 18 2008, 11:41 PM BSTCapitals again Aaron?
Have I unwittingly signed up for an English refresher course?
Quote: thing @ April 18 2008, 11:48 PM BSTNoted I owe u the other point for Q14/.
Are your 'o' and 'y' keys being odd too?
Quote: Aaron @ April 19 2008, 9:54 AM BSTAre your 'o' and 'y' keys being odd too?
Nope, as much as I like to see some correct grammar and capitals myself Aaron, I've managed to overcome that aspect of my obsessive nature to some extent.
A little bit of textspeak on a forum like this doesn't do any harm surely. At least I'm not changing the meaning: Too many examples of current miss-usage that change meanings and context I think you will agree?
Anyway, back 2 da quiz > Here is the table for current standings: Not perfect but I've tried. >>>
Ooops, no, that didn't work: Back to the drawing board.
I'm not much above basic in IT but I think it's something to do with BB codes not being automatically available or applied on here: Is that right? Do I have to manually insert all BB codes? If the case, I might just as well type the whole thing manually but then this site seems to automatically delete the spacing?
Sorry if dumb.
Ok, just to be fair and include as many people as possible I want to set a time for questions to be posted.
In future, i may be able to set a regular day/time but too busy to do that at the moment.
Next questions will be posted at 10 pm Tonight. Be innit to winnit!
Or be there *and* be square!
Quote: thing @ April 19 2008, 2:40 PM BSTA little bit of textspeak on a forum like this doesn't do any harm surely. At least I'm not changing the meaning: Too many examples of current miss-usage that change meanings and context I think you will agree?
It looks messy, I don't like it, it's against the site's rules and terms of use, and is a good way to getting yourself an official warning and eventual account suspension/banning. If you're happy with that risk, then by all means carry on.
Quote: thing @ April 19 2008, 2:40 PM BSTI'm not much above basic in IT but I think it's something to do with BB codes not being automatically available or applied on here: Is that right? Do I have to manually insert all BB codes? If the case, I might just as well type the whole thing manually but then this site seems to automatically delete the spacing?
Without seeing what you're trying to do exactly, and how, I really can't answer.
OK, here goes then
First few for 1 point each - first correct gets the point.
Q19/. Of the four planets in our solar system nearest the Sun, how many moons are there in total?
Q20/. Which artist had a March 2007 UK No1 single with ''Stronger''?
Q21/. Which Caribbean island has suffered the effects of a volcanic eruption for the past 10-15 years?
Q22/. In which Royal Park is the volcanic remnant peak ''Arthur's seat''?
Q23/. Which famous author's first published works were entitled ''Sketches by Boz''?
Q24/. Which Bob Hoskins film featured the Nat King Cole classic ''When I fall in love''?
REMEMBER You may answer any number of questions - especially important as it is first correct answer for the point for the above questions.
Next set, soon, are different.