Int. Abandoned warehouse
A man is tied to a chair with tape across his mouth. A gangster enters with his goon.
Gangster: Well, well, look who it is!
Gangster: What?
The gangster looks at his goon.
Gangster: What did he say?
Goon: Sounded a bit like (MAKES MUFFLED NOISES).
Gangster: What does that mean?
Goon: I dunno. Maybe he’s got a sore throat.
The gangster turns back to the man.
Gangster: D’you want a glass of water?
The man nods. The gangster looks at his goon.
Gangster: Get him some water.
Goon: Where from?
Gangster: The taps, you klutz.
Goon: But this is an abandoned warehouse.
Gangster: And?
Goon: No one’s paid the bill.
Gangster: Damnit!
Goon: I still don’t understand why we brought him here anyway.
Gangster: It’s what they do in films.
Goon: Lets be honest, we don’t know what we’re doing.
Gangster: Ssshhh! Don’t let him hear that! (POINTS AT MAN)
Goon: I think he knows.
Gangster: How?
Goon: We brought him here on the no. 75 bus.
Gangster: (SIGHS) Maybe we shouldn’t have quit the petrol station.
Goon: Let’s leave organised crime to the professionals.
Gangster: Yeah.
The goon looks at his watch.
Goon: Christ, it’s nearly 5.
Gangster: We better get these suits back to the shop.
Goon: Don’t wanna lose our deposit do we!
Gangster: (LAUGHS) Come on!
The goon and gangster exit. The man starts rocking on his chair and making muffled noises. He falls over.