British Comedy Guide

Adoption Sketch

Is this a bit 'lite'?

Int. Living Room

A woman and man are sat on a couch. An adoption agent, with a clipboard, is sat opposite them.

Agent: Nervous?

Man: A little. This is the first time we've adopted.

Agent: Well don't worry, you're getting a lovely little z-list celeb

Woman: He came second in Big Brother, didn't he?

Agent: Yes, but don't mention it. He's still bitter.

Man: Can we see him now?

Agent: (CALLS) Samuel! You can come in.

Samuel pokes his head round the door. He looks gormless and has a ridiculously bleached and trendy mullet.

Man: Hello Samuel!

Samuel ducks back out of the room.

Woman: You're scaring him. (CALLS) Samuel, S - S - S - Samuel!

Samuel nervously enters the room. He's wearing a white T-shirt which carries the text "I'm Crazee!!!" He runs and hides down by Agent.

Woman: Hello Samuel. I'm your new Mummy!

Samuel: Mumma?

Man: And I'm your Daddy.

Samuel: Dadadadada?

Agent: Samuel, haven't you got something to give them?

Samuel: Yesh!

Samuel runs out of the room, like an idiot, and comes back in with a plastic bag. He takes out two books and hands them to the man and woman.

Man: What's this, Samuel?

Samuel: My automyography.

Woman: Thank you, Samuel!

Samuel sits down on the floor. The woman begins to cry.

Man: What's the matter, dear?

Woman: I just can't understand why anyone would give him up.

Samuel starts sniffing his armpit.

Agent: His parents had become... mortally embarrrased.

Man: Samuel, we've got a film premiere lined up for you tonight!

Samuel: Tabloids be there?

Woman: Every single one!

Samuel: Oooh!

The man gets off the couch and starts tickling Samuels chin. Samuel giggles.

Man: I can't believe you only came second.

Samuel starts to look enraged.

Samuel: Second?! SECOND?!

Agent: I told you not to mention it!

Samuel gets up and starts headbutting the wall.


Woman: Get the camera!

The man grabs a paparazzi style camera and starts clicking rapidly.

Man: Look, Samuel! A camera!

Samuel stops headbutting the wall and looks round. He sees the camera and starts posing.

Agent: I will have to report this.

Agent writes on her clipboard. The woman slaps the man on the arm and looks disapprovingly at him.


I didn't think it was 'lite' at all, I enjoyed it. I especially liked these elements:

Quote: Winterlight @ April 11 2008, 2:19 PM BST

He's wearing a white T-shirt which carries the text "I'm Crazee!!!"

Man: What's this, Brian?

Brian: My automyography.


Woman: Get the camera!

A couple of things:

1. Change one of the women to 'adoption agent' or something like that. It would make for a much less confusing read.

2. Maybe think about changing the kids name from Brian. Didn't a Brian win a Big Brother? Might cause some confusion.

2 Brians have won Big Brother.

Maybe that's why you chose it? A popular reality show name...?
It is a bit confusing though, as I was trying to figure out if you meant us to picture one of the real Brians.

Ok I'll make those changes, kids!

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