British Comedy Guide

Cerys Matthews Not Arrested Earlier Today Page 2

Well there's a gaping gap between what I found funny, and what I write to try and amuse others.

If I was writing what I found funny, it would be an endless skit, of monkeys being punched, the word 2supposed" being used ironically, and clowns dying horribly.

I come to the critique forum, not to have that comedic vision validated. Why bother? I find it funny, and I don't care if any one else does.

The thing is I also have comedy that I write because I feel it may have commercial/professional value. At that point how ever funny I may feel it is pretty irrelevant. It's the approval of script editors, audiences, and producers I need.

To get their I need the support, opinion, and ultimately judgement of my peers. It's a judgement I respect and value. The critique thread is scattered with my skits that are abandoned, or very heavily revamped.

I may still think some of my stuff is funny, but so what? If I want that comedy to have some professional point it is only a starting point in the crudest, of crudest senses.

Of course some people have agendas, and they're usually pretty obvious. I only have two, I like good comedy, and I like to help my fellow writers.

Thats it.

The way you write your news reports, is doing you a disservice, and under selling some very good comedic ideas.

But if you don't your work negatively critiqued, then please say so.

Quote: sootyj @ April 11 2008, 12:12 AM BST

Well there's a gaping gap between what I found funny, and what I write to try and amuse others. .........

The thing is I also have comedy that I write because I feel it may have commercial/professional value. At that point how ever funny I may feel it is pretty irrelevant. It's the approval of script editors, audiences, and producers I need.

This makes you sound like the Andy Millman character in Extra's. Be careful Sootyj. Look what happenned to him !!

Andy Millman is a very accurate portrayal of an ambitious comic. I'm not likely to be that successful, I'd certainly like to think I'm that commited.

Quote: James Williams @ April 10 2008, 8:16 PM BST

The point is that you really have to master the style before you even think about the content - otherwise whatever you write simply won't work, no matter how wonderful the idea. It just comes across as rudely made. If that piece were a straight story it would have a sub-editor pulling his (or her...) hair out. One of the most famous pieces of satire, "A Modest Proposal", for example, wouldn't have worked so well if it had begun "I've got a bit of an idea, right, and I reckon it'll be great. Eat babies. Plenty of 'em around." No, it adopts the correct style - perfectly. IMO you can't hope to write effective satire of this ilk without knowing how to write copy. All you need to do is read papers and emulate their style - it shouldn't be too difficult for someone who knows how to write. This is something you have not yet mastered IMO.

This appears to be a very well written critique James and I thank you for that.

To be honest I am not really aiming to replicate the style of Swift, or to be honest 'The Onion' or 'Private Eye'. I am not that clever.

But I do remember LOL reading the fake news stories in Viz in the late 80's early 90's. They were often 'stylistically a shambles' as Chris Donald himself admitted. [ and often 'rudely made' ]. But they were funny.

I suppose if one or two readers on here LOL to one of my pieces I am happy with that.

The High Class satire of Cook is beyond me....I know my limitations... :D

Thanks for your views.

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