Well there's a gaping gap between what I found funny, and what I write to try and amuse others.
If I was writing what I found funny, it would be an endless skit, of monkeys being punched, the word 2supposed" being used ironically, and clowns dying horribly.
I come to the critique forum, not to have that comedic vision validated. Why bother? I find it funny, and I don't care if any one else does.
The thing is I also have comedy that I write because I feel it may have commercial/professional value. At that point how ever funny I may feel it is pretty irrelevant. It's the approval of script editors, audiences, and producers I need.
To get their I need the support, opinion, and ultimately judgement of my peers. It's a judgement I respect and value. The critique thread is scattered with my skits that are abandoned, or very heavily revamped.
I may still think some of my stuff is funny, but so what? If I want that comedy to have some professional point it is only a starting point in the crudest, of crudest senses.
Of course some people have agendas, and they're usually pretty obvious. I only have two, I like good comedy, and I like to help my fellow writers.
Thats it.
The way you write your news reports, is doing you a disservice, and under selling some very good comedic ideas.
But if you don't your work negatively critiqued, then please say so.