British Comedy Guide

2 hot news reports

Mohammed Al Fayed had in surprise news reopened his investigation, into the deaths of Diana and Dodi. Apparently he was given a major new lead.

Shannon Mathew’s mother had written to him. To say, Shannon had killed Diana, and Dodi by sneaking over to Paris to cut her break cables. This was the reason she was hiding in a divan bed in Yorkshire. Shannon’s mum offered to hand her over for a 6 figure sum.

She was quoted as saying
“If the McCanne’s won’t cough up, that daft bugger will,”

Boris Johnson has announced to the BBC his plans for the new Route Master if he is elected mayor. It will have; no top deck so hooides won’t be ale to hide their, no bottom deck so people will be able to get on faster. Tto avoid getting stuck in traffic it will fly, using technology he saw on Dr Who it will be bigger on the inside then the outside. Finally to be greener, it will not be powered by Diesel, but rather Tubby Custard.

Boris sent the BBC a picture of his new bus. How ever it was unreadable as it was covered in chocolate. At least the BBC hopes it was chocolate

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