British Comedy Guide

Oh No, Not Another Newbie.

Yep, afraid so. Hi all. England
That's got that out of the way. I'm a project worker in a homeless hostel and write scripts in my spare time. Not that I have much of that with three toddlers running around the place.

My favourite comedies are....Usual stuff I expect.

Partridge...Porridge...Steptoe...Blackadder...Peep Show...

Anything that is tinged (heavily) with tragedy.

I will look around before saying anymore.

Thank You. Wave

Greetings, I too worked in a homeless project years ago. Inspiring any of your writings?

Hello sisterstiffticket! The more the merrier! It's currently a board-wide game of Twister if you're interested.

Quote: sootyj @ April 7 2008, 7:43 PM BST

Greetings, I too worked in a homeless project years ago. Inspiring any of your writings?

A whole series!

Written? That I'd like to see. Wrote a pilot my self, on learning disability services.

Well, the outlines are done for each episode. Each one focusing on a character and their circumstances. The mix is great. Smackheads, Pissheads, Learning disabilities and of course, the occassional bloke/woman who finds themselves on hard times.
Add to that the staff! Often more screwed up than the residents.
Great fun though. But you have to be able to laugh to survive the environment as you probably know.


While you are here sootyj, anything/one in particular I should look out for?
Does anyone here have work produced etc?
Any lunatics?

Maybe I am one muh ha ha!

Well some have had stuff produced, sketches, sitcoms optioned. But no Riki Gervaise's in disguise or owt like that. Lots of people with good ideas, and a good place for criticism (need a pinch of salt for some of it).

As for loonys, there are a few more passionate, and some with a slightly 0dder sense of humour), but you'll pick it up soon enough.

Thanks mate. Just reading through, some of the stuff is quite impressive.
Thanks for your input. I shall now venture out into the forum.


Helloooooooooo! Wave

Quote: sootyj @ April 7 2008, 8:26 PM BST

But no Riki Gervaise's in disguise or owt like that.

That you know of. ;)

Welcome, I was writing some similar to you, I'm kind of dropping it though, I don't have the time to do the research required to know more about what I'm writing.

In other words I'm lazy.


Hello and welcome sisterssfff, sisterffftt, sisfertif, you! Wave

Yo stiffy! :O

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