If you invented a new sweetie. What would you call it?
The inner bitch in me fancies seeing a scquealing toddler stamping its feet, snot forming a pool of goo on the floor & begging for a Juicycoont. Am I a FrEaKo?
What would you call it?
Yes, but that has nothing to do with the name of a fictitious sweetie.
Good slap
A sweet company called Johnny's would be fun, "Packet of strawberry Johnny's, please" asks the child.
I would have a sweetie called an Ellie... then everyone could eat Ellie!
I'd call it "give Mana money"
Small Child: I WANNA GIVE MANA MONEY! *tantrum*
Mum: Okay *gives child money* go and give it to her.
Like it!
Ever since I saw Half Baked I've loved the name of this candy when Dave Chappelle looked at it and said "Abba Zabba you're my only friend".
"Bee Smacked".
Add A crying kid saying "I wanna" in front of that.
"Bee Smacked".
Add A crying kid saying "I wanna" in front of that.