Quote: Godot Taxis @ April 25 2008, 1:52 AM BST
Speaking entirely personally here, I'd rather see a sketch show by Charley, The Slaggs or Matthew Stott over these f**kcheeses any day of the week.
Is that a compliment Godot, or your way of saying you think this show will be so poor youd even rather see my sketch show; only I seem to remember you saying my material isnt funny. If its a compliment, then thanks; if its not, then, well, I dont thank you I suppose. Im guessing its not a compliment mind you!
Im interested to see what they come up with, and I for one dont like to slag something off until Ive seen it. Horne isnt the most electric of on screen presences, but I do think Cordon has a lot of charm and pressence. Itll be interesting to see what they mean when they say its more of an old style show.