Saturday 29th March 2008 8:31pm [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,977 posts
Depends how important the portability is to you David. Prices have levelled out a lot in the past couple of years, but you're still looking at paying more for a laptop compared to the same specification desktop machine. Depending on where you buy, it could be around £200 - £300 more for a laptop.
But then to be honest, technology has progressed sufficiently now that unless you're doing REALLY complex stuff like 3D video generation or high-end games, you won't notice any real difference once you get to those sorts of prices anyway.
Soooo basically, you'll get more for your money with a desktop, so just think about how important the portability is to you.
As far as specification goes, I wouldn't even look at something with less than 1 GB of RAM (1024 MB). The bigger the HDD the better of course, but puffinpol's 120 GB would be more than sufficient for the usage you're describing. Processor-wise, Intel is the best brand for video, and I would be looking for at least dual-core ("Core 2 Duo"). Again, any better (quad core for example) can only be a plus.
Software-wise, it'd be nice to be able to get Office if you can afford it, but don't pay for any anti-virus or firewall software (eg Norton), as equal and better products are available for free online.
Oh, and if possible, go for XP not Vista.
For sellers, start by looking at Dell and exploring their various options. It'll probably seem a bit overwhelming, but should give you a bit more of an idea. Also online, it's worth checking out Ebuyer to see what pre-built machines they have. In the real world, Comet can be alright but I'd recommend popping into PC World. Remember to check online before actually handing over your card though, as you can sometimes save quite a bit by reserving on their website to 'pick up in store'.
Hope that helps a bit...