British Comedy Guide

4laughs 'Get Loaded' Entries

Well done Nick/Simon/Planet Giraffe on winning.

Here's 3 of my entries. I did 6 altogether, but don't have access to the other 3 at the moment. You may recognise one of them as being similar to my 'Mugger Sketch'.

Looking back, I think perhaps I was trying to cram too much information in.

Feel free to post your own entries up…


Title: Bill Oddie Get’s Loaded

Box 1:

Int. Office

Bill Oddie is stood opposite a suited man. The man is holding a bag of money which Bill is reaching for.

Man: Here's your share of the The Goodies DVD royalties, Bill.

Bill: Gimme gimme gimme!

Box 2:

Int. Office

Bill Oddie is holding the bag of money and looking at it in glee. The man is looking at Bill.

Man: You’re filming Springwatch later, aren’t you?

Bill: Gin!

Box 3:

Ext. Field

Top left corner of box is captioned "LATER…". Bill Oddie is dancing naked in front of some fleeing birds. Empty gin bottles are on the floor.

Man: (O.O.V) No Bill! They're endangered!

Bill: (SINGING) Do the funky gibbon!



Title: Alcoholic Pete Gets Loaded

Box 1:

Int. Off License

Alcoholic Pete is at the counter. An assistant behind it.

Assistant: Do you want a scratchcard with your Special Brew, Alcoholic Pete?

Alcoholic Pete: Hit me, Alfonse!

Box 2:

Int. Off License

Alcoholic Pete is holding his scratchcard up triumphantly. The assistant looks at him.

Assistant: Your shaky hands helped you scratch that out in no time!

Alcoholic Pete: I’ve won £50,000! I can finally sort my life out!

Box 3:

Int. Off License

The assistant holds out a bottle of bleach to Alcoholic Pete.

Assistant: I’ll swap you this bottle of bleach for it. You’ll be blotto’d for weeks!

Alcoholic Pete: Let’s get bleaching!



Title: City Banker Gets Loaded

Box 1:

Int. Pub

A man in a suit is at the counter of a bar. Dan Aykroyd is behind the bar.

Man: Hi Dan Aykroyd! I'd like a pint of lager.

Dan: Comin’ up. So, uh, had a good day?

Box 2:

Int. Pub

The man is now snorting coke off the bar. Dan Aykroyd is holding his own head.

Man: I made a mint in the city, so I'm celebrating with drink and drugs

Dan: Oh no! The flashbacks are starting again....

Box 3:

Blood is pouring from the man's nose. Dan Aykroyd is staring into space and looks horrified.

Man: Oh shit! My septums fallen out.



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