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Little Britain's racist, isn't it? Page 10

Quote: Chappers @ 28th December 2017, 10:40 PM

Maybe you should just leave and get a job.

What would make you think I don't have one? Don't get your knickers all in a bunch because I binge watch in my downtime and you can't. LOL. I can get through a season relatively quickly in long commutes or just before bed. Longer seasons, not as effectively at once.

Why are you guys so mean to new members?

Quote: Kapow @ 29th December 2017, 2:26 AM

Why are you guys so mean to new members?

Maybe the welcoming committee only planned a blackface showcase Little Britain style and the revelation that it is equivalent to calling someone "nigger" in America ruined all their prep and hurt some feelings. ;-)

Some people do seem to have convinced themselves being PC is the worst sin in the world.
And of course the things they condemn as PC are actually just, y'know, people being nice to each other and not treating each other like dicks.
But there we are. (They'll die out soon.)

Someone once said PC is just another word for good manners. Unfortunately I think it was Jimmy Savile, who was well respected for his high moral standards.
Years ago there was a Spike Milligan series 'There's A Lot Of It About' and it was really racist and sexist, even for the time. Painful viewing.
I once wrote a skit 'Julian Scary' about a super-gay presenter. It was delicate cos I wasn't laughing at homosexuality, rather the way certain celebs exaggerate their sexuality to the point of parody. Anyway this story has a happy ending cos Bristol's Gay Pride had a sketch night and they used it, so I'd gotten something right for once in my pathetic, useless existence. Hoorah!

Could be worse, you could be a gay transgender black Irish dwarf.
You'd never have a minute to yourself for being offended all day.

You're not... offended by their (imaginary) offence are you...?

Andrew Dice Clay warns fans they may find parts of his new show inoffensive.
If I took comments personally I'd've shot myself in the head as a foetus.
Here's another gay-related sketch I wrote: It's strange... I once saw a gay comic doing a routine about - and if you're easily offended, stop reading (great way to keep people reading) - working as a masseuse (?) and how proud he was when the client turned over and had, yup, juice all over his front... 'I didn't even touch him! Jesus hands, dat's woddI got, JEEESUSSS HANDS!' They lapped it up (not literally). I'd love to do a similar routine about massaging a female and 'sluiced her pussy good, din' even touch it!' Yuk.

Quote: Kapow @ 29th December 2017, 2:26 AM

Why are you guys so mean to new members?

Castration club. Seeks new members.

Quote: fopdoodle @ 16th February 2017, 1:41 PM

On one of my comedy favourites, Room 101, Frank Skinner pointed out that it was accepted as non-racist to over enunciate words from an Italian menu (in their vernacular) in an Italian restaurant, but that we wouldn't DARE do it in a Chinese one.

Yeah! I really hate it when Italians take the piss out of my accent. I'd like to see the reaction if I took the mickey out of the waiters at our local Chinese. Actually, I wouldn't.
In Spain they cal me El Monkhouse, but that's taking the mick out of my name.

Quote: Chappers @ 16th February 2017, 9:25 PM

As a Christian I don't find the Life of Brian offensive in the slightest.

Years ago Channel 4 had its 'controversial banned season' (a nation of teenage biys unzipped only to be disappointed) with a doc on Life of Brian. A speaker made a very interesting point: whatever your religious views, the final scene is offensive because it belittles human suffering. Even if you're not a Christian, thousands of people died in this horrific way, and it's not a fit subject for laughter. People say, 'Yeah but it was years ago' but does that make a difference? Will it be okay to see the funny side of war atrocities in the distant future?

Quote: zooo @ 30th December 2017, 10:28 AM

Some people do seem to have convinced themselves being PC is the worst sin in the world.
And of course the things they condemn as PC are actually just, y'know, people being nice to each other and not treating each other like dicks.
But there we are. (They'll die out soon.)

There is a huge line between politically correct and downright intentionally malicious ignorance. Granted, the thickness is based on the cultural nuances of the people and their collective tolerance level. It's like doing drunk driving jokes in a room full of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, which is a group of mothers who have all lost loved ones to drunk driving. Can you do it, yes. Is it appropriate under the circumstances, no. By no means am I saying be TJ Miller about every little thing, but at the same time knowing the culture can stop a bad situation before it starts.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 30th December 2017, 1:13 PM

Could be worse, you could be a gay transgender black Irish dwarf.
You'd never have a minute to yourself for being offended all day.

I've actually seen a gay transgender black Irish dwarf. Name was Lola Delicious I kid you not. Only in NYC, lol.

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 30th December 2017, 2:57 PM

Years ago Channel 4 had its 'controversial banned season' (a nation of teenage biys unzipped only to be disappointed) with a doc on Life of Brian. A speaker made a very interesting point: whatever your religious views, the final scene is offensive because it belittles human suffering. Even if you're not a Christian, thousands of people died in this horrific way, and it's not a fit subject for laughter. People say, 'Yeah but it was years ago' but does that make a difference? Will it be okay to see the funny side of war atrocities in the distant future?

The world has its constants of war these days. For some, it will never be right that lived it and for others who didn't it takes a tolerant point to understand its controversalness for those who did. It really depends on the country and its culture and how people interpret the material - or to what level do the people of said culture find it offensive based on their experiences. There's a way to do anything - many will try the joke and while a fraction will do it right, most will be epic fails and totally not understand the offense. And I don't mean just the SJW's on a crusade for facebook likes, I mean real collective culture based on history.

Quote: ArticulateMadness @ 29th December 2017, 1:32 AM

What would make you think I don't have one? Don't get your knickers all in a bunch because I binge watch in my downtime and you can't. LOL. I can get through a season relatively quickly in long commutes or just before bed. Longer seasons, not as effectively at once.

I meant why don't you leave big school.

(Why do you have to explain these things?)

Quote: Chappers @ 31st December 2017, 12:03 AM

I meant why don't you leave big school.

(Why do you have to explain these things?)

If we're talking degrees from college, I have 3.
If we're talking the show, I'm OCD about finishing a show, no matter how bad it is. I want to believe it finds its soul.
If it's a British slang thing, you're gonna have to translate as I'm not hip.

Love ya Chappers.

Quote: ArticulateMadness @ 31st December 2017, 9:22 AM

If we're talking degrees from college, I have 3.
If we're talking the show, I'm OCD about finishing a show, no matter how bad it is. I want to believe it finds its soul.
If it's a British slang thing, you're gonna have to translate as I'm not hip.

Love ya Chappers.

Laughing out loud It's none of those really, just a very poor joke (as usual) from the forum's baiter of foreigners, especially Yanks. Welcome to the UK! :D

(Naughty boy Chappers)

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 31st December 2017, 9:45 AM

Laughing out loud It's none of those really, just a very poor joke (as usual) from the forum's baiter of foreigners, especially Yanks. Welcome to the UK! :D

(Naughty boy Chappers)

LMAO. The more you know!
Prejudiced against the foreigners you say? I can just imagine Chappers standing on a car yelling in Jackie Chan's accent "I want the names of the bombers." (yeah I know, LOL, now that was bad but that is all that came to mind when you said he was the "baiter of foreigners"). Gotta try a lot harder to be cheeky with me. I live a Dotard presidency.


This may be slightly off-topic but it's something I find very interesting.
Some years ago I attended a great improv course and the coach said the secret is to listen - AND be prepared to change on the basis of what you listen to. It sounds easy but it takes time to get used to, cos the human tendency is to take over. Like you go on stage and have this great idea about how the fellow performer is your long-lost sister etc, but the first thing she says is, 'Hi, Dad.' You have to drop your ego, listen and adjust to her idea.
I don't want to sound like a pretentious knob, but this is a fascinatìng parallel with life. We all have opinions and we all like to consider ourselves open-minded, but are we really? When someone presents a contrary opinion, do we even listen? And if we do, are we prepared to let it impinge on our own world view? You see it every day on FB, where 'like' just means 'I agree'. My personal favourite is 'Well said' when it isn't said well at all: it's just what you'd've said. I genuinely laughed when people on FB wrote, 'If you support Trump, I'm unfriending you' - and even asked other people to do the same. It's a tad childish, isn't it? 'I think you're WRONG, so I'm not talking to you again... And I'm gonna make sure me mates don't talk to you, either! You SMELL.' It's particularly true of comedy, where 'Trump's a cock' will get a round of applause; start a witty, informed analysis of his policies and you'll be booed off stage. Well said, indeed.
I remember Ben Elton being massacred for collaborating with Lloyd Webber. He said, 'Imagine a guy who only wanted to work with someone sharing his own views. How narrow-minded and blinkered that'd be.' I know Ben was justifying himself, but it's a fair point... When I was a teenager my thinking was extremely rigid, but I thought it was cool cos my ideas were fashionably right-on.
More recently I was struck off the performers' list for an open mic show. They finally admitted the reason was: 'Sorry but this is a feelgood crowd. They're out for a laugh. They don't want to think about hot topics and they don't like your language either.' Open-minded, eh? Still, could've been worse. 'It's cos you're shit.'

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