British Comedy Guide

The Apprentice - Series 4 Page 11

I love this programme. :)

lol you watching it to?

Oh yes.

Loved Raef's comment about size 16-32 women loving cake. hehe

HAHA!!! Well its true.

I'd go BHS

Ha! See ya Sara.

Good choice Alan. She was a bitch.

Fire him Alan FIRE HIM!!! noooooooooooooo let that little f**ker go

Michael's little begging speech just saved his arse!


My prediction - Alex is gone next week!

THe good looking IT boy who moans all the time?

guy in the middle

I think Michael's gone next week. Unless of course he's on the winning team.

Raef is awesome, as always. Even as a bear.

What a colossal twat Michael is. How is he still going? Beggars belief.

If I were Sir Alan, I'd keep Michael in until the last four, then drop him. More disappointing for the beggar that way.

I must admit, it was entertaining seeing his massively pushy sales techniques. He needed a good slap for shouting at that poor woman and trying to badger her into buying his cakes, though.

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