British Comedy Guide

Have You Been Jaked (How)

As anybody else been informed that they have recently joined Jake Hows "New" website?

Also is it legal for Jake to take your details that you entered on one website and use them to "create" an account for you on another? Is that something do with privacy laws and impersonating somebody else?



And yes he signed me up too and it made me very angry and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry... I pee myself.

I don't know if I'm signed a couple of messages asking if I had checked it out but don't know if I've automatically been made to look like I have as it were...

I doubt it...

we're talking a forum in cyber space not a bank account... either don't complete the registration or do and then use the forum to inform him that you consider him to be knob cheese...

the choice is yours...

The bigger question is why...

Why set up a forum that merely mirrors what is already on offer here and elsewhere.

I belong to BSG, WD, and then two private comedy sites and that's enough for me...


Apparently I've joined the new site. (It looks quite good, actually...)

I haven't. I thought Jake liked me too!

What Jake is doing is legal unfortunatly, we put our information on public show, at the end of the day whatever someone does with it is our own fault to some extent - Unless he steals our Identity or something.

Unfortunatly the law is still catching up with the internet-super-highway. So there are legal grey areas.

I'm sure AJP could answer this with more clarity, but I tried!

Yes, I've also been joined to the new site, and pretty sure it would be against the law if either server was within the UK. Which I doubt.

Oh is that what those silly emails I recently got were about?

comedytalk forum or something?

I got one asking me to confirm my account, which I didn't. Then I got an email congratulating me on confirming my account. Then I got one saying my account had been deleted!

Laughing out loud


Quote: Winterlight @ March 26, 2008, 7:14 PM

Oh is that what those silly emails I recently got were about?

comedytalk forum or something?

I got one asking me to confirm my account, which I didn't. Then I got an email congratulating me on confirming my account. Then I got one saying my account had been deleted!

Jake is on very thin ice, he was basically told to delete these account or risk losing his BSG account.

Just keep your email address hidden. That's what I do and I was never signed up.
That or perhaps he just doesn't like Charlie and I. :)

Should be illegal, it's highly immoral anyway.

What if someone took your email and dumped you in the middle of a peado ring?
'Really officer, I had no idea...'

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