Wednesday 26th March 2008 6:44pm
Royal Berkshire
69,968 posts
Quote: sootyj @ March 26, 2008, 1:51 PM
Thanks to legislation from EU stating that all mince must be sold 12 days after slaughter, so it could be made into Tartare.
Eh? Are you saying that mince can only go on sale 12 days after the animal has been slaughtered?
Quote: sootyj @ March 26, 2008, 1:58 PM
The glycerine in milkshakes is animal based, as is the isingglass in beer, and wine. SO yes you regularly have a nice beefy drink.
Does plain milk count? If not, then I'm beef drink free!
Quote: Curt @ March 26, 2008, 2:06 PM
She thinks Pigs are too cute to eat.
No, but seriously?