British Comedy Guide

Olympic Torch

TORCH (an old school Olympian athlete in white shorts and a vest) proudly walks up to Airport Security with torch held proudly. To rapturous applause, reverent music.

SECURITY GUARD: Can you put your keys and mobile phone in there please.

TORCH: But I’m the Olympic torch you know “Light the passion, share the dream”.

SECURITY GUARD: And your medals please Mr Torch, in the tray. And oh yes and your trainers, sandal things.

Tuts slightly. Mutters under his breath. Takes them off.


SECURITY GUARD: Oh dear oh dear oh dear. What have we here?

Takes out a huge mirrored lantern.

TORCH: (BACK IN PROUD MOOD) It’s a parabolic mirror. It’s what they’ve used since the dawn of the games to light me at the Temple of Zura in Athens.

SECURTY GUARD: Can you read this sir?


TORCH: (reading) No knives, matches, flame throwers, fireworks, flammable liquids or solids, drain cleaners and solvents, scuba tanks, gunpowder or parabolic mirrors. But this is ridiculous. I’m on a journey of passion – the UK is the only country in northern Europe that I’m visiting.

SECURITY GUARD: Just doing my job sir, extra security for the Olympic torch.

TORCH looks really fed up.

SECURITY GUARD: Alright, look it’s more than my job’s worth, but I can let you have this.

Hands over a gas cooker lighter in the shape of a match. TORCH lights it with a tiny sound and walks off defeated with a tiny flame.

SECURITY GUARD: Careful with that. And don’t burn any monks.

That's good, and a very good idea. I feel you lose a bit of faith in your own joke towards the end. I don't think he would have let him through, and certainly not given him a smaller torch.

I could picture him being describing the Olympics and being mistaken for an Al Quaeda

Or gets locked up with lots of others, Santa Clause, the Dali Llama

Ah Sootyj,

I have read a lot of your sketches with much amusement so very glad to have your comments.

I know it beggars belief that airport security would let him through with it, but the man walking away defeated with the oven lighter was the high point of the sketch for me. I was prepared to suspend my disbelief to find that funny, but then I write unloved sketches about orangutans summoned by SKY remotes, so what do I know.

Thank you kindly, it's a good idea for a skit

But wait David I love sketches about Orangatans summoned by SKY remotes.

Quote: Mouse @ March 26, 2008, 11:48 AM

But wait David I love sketches about Orangatans summoned by SKY remotes.

You do? Then have a look at this...

David - you didn't disappoint.

Thank you. Without meaning to sound all mutually backpatty, you've written a great concept for a sketch. Just needs some tightening is all.

Now where's that back of yours?

Get a room !

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