British Comedy Guide

Tilt Page 5

Thanks thought as much, it's just that I'd had an earlier e-mail. Reckon they'll have more non-coms for Parson and Naylor?

I *think* Parsons & Naylor is done and dusted. Somebody on here said as much.


Quote: sootyj @ March 26, 2008, 11:43 AM

Has any one received an email saying if there stuff was accepted?

You don't usually get an email in my experience, you listen to the show and then get a contract or cheque through the post - a lot later.

Quote: sue lenier @ March 26, 2008, 10:24 AM

Actually I only sent in seven words - one of those headlines they wanted. So better still, could you write down every word, Nick?

Laughing out loud

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