I think this one of my oldest skits, oddly it feels sharper, and neater than much of my later stuff.
Watch Strictly Come Dancing tonight, sexy news readers in skimpy dress’s slow dance with hunky professional dancers.
No watch I’m a Celebrity get me out of here, sexy z list celebs in swim suits, sweat in the jungle, we’ve got the bird who shagged Prince Andrew,
Ok our stars will go topless
Ours will go nude
BBC We’ll give them steroids so they’ll fight each other.
ITV We’ll give them Viagra so they’ll shag each other,
BBC We’ll give ours knives so they’ll kill each other, we can out down market you, you snivelling little independent wretch,
Enter channel 4
Pah amateurs, I’m channel 4, we bring back Celebrity Big Brother, this time we have Enoch Powell back from the dead, that German guy who ate his boyfriends willy, and Kerry Kattona shags them all in a bath of cocaine and Iceland mini Kiev’s.
You like, jiggy jiggy, maybe you watch Holly Oaks as well?
Now that really is crap TV.