A man with a beard and kefiya is standing next to a woman in a Burqa (she mya have a pair of fake breasts)
Hello and welcome to Iranian Ground Force, I’m Muqta al Titmarsh.
And I’m Ismailieh Dimock, today we will be looking at the rose, we call the US hostage.
Holds up a rose.
Needs lots of beheading
He chops the head of the rose.
I’ll be showing you a new giant bush, excellent for hiding road side bombs.
She accidentally spills some water from a watering can over her Burqa.
Oh my Burqa is wet, and adhering to my skin.
Whore, now for advice on how to get rid of stubborn weeds, from our guest presenter President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Enter Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Want, to get rid of weeds that’s easy,
Dials his mobile
Hey monkey boy George I have big nuclear bombs in this garden, and you to much of a girl to dare bomb me.
Ok soon no more weeds, no more plants, no garden.
Run! Next week, our exiting new hanging basket, the gayman
Sound of planes overhead they all scatter.