This is a cleaned up, re-edited version of one of my first sketches. I posted the original one here back in September 07. The original one was far too wordy, but somehow ended up being a runner-up in the Fetch-A-Sketch competition. Anyway, this one is hopefully a bit slicker.
Int. Office
A manager is working at his desk. A man enters wearing a lifeguard uniform and sits down.
Manager: Hello there, young man. What can I do for you?
Man: Its happened again.
Manager: Again?
The man nods.
Manager: (SIGHS) That’s the third corpse this week.
Man: I know, but I was certain this time that there was a y’know… one of them.
Manager: I’ve told you before, we’re not going to be invaded by a spaniel.
Man: What if it got in through the roof?
Manager: That’s ridiculous.
Man: I know how it sounds, but I could hear some sniffing up in the heating ducts.
Manager: So you left the pool unattended?
Man: I had to check.
Manager: And in the meantime, someone drowned?
Man: D’you want a spaniel running round the pool?! Nipping at ankles? What would people say?!
Manager: What will they say to our latest corpse?
Man: I dunno. “What happened to you then, mate? Spaniel drag you down?”.
A scratching sounds start up. The man and the manager look at a cupboard in the corner.
Man: What’s that?
Manager walks over to the cupboard and stands in front of it.
Manager: I think you better go.
Man: What is it?!
Manager: It’s probably a mouse. Now go!
A bark emanates from the cupboard.
Man: Bit of a loud mouse!
The man goes over to the cupboard and pushes the manager out of the way. He opens the door to reveal a spaniel.
Man: I knew it!
The manager rushes at the man, knocks him into the cupboard and locks it. The man starts screaming as the spaniel barks. Manager sits down, takes a packet of dog biscuits from a drawer and starts eating them.
Manager: I told him to leave it. I told him to leave it.
A single tear rolls down the manager’s cheek as the barking/screaming continues.