Wednesday 17th January 2007 6:39pm
252 posts
The Simpsons:
Homer: (DRUNK) Look, the thing about my family is there's five of us. Marge, Bart, Girl Bart, the one who doesn't talk, and the fat guy. How I loathe him.
I'm Alan Partridge:
The rest of Alan's opinions on farming.
"You could talk the hind legs off a donkey! Though, of course, your donkeys are probably born wthout back legs, with all the chemicals you stick in their...chips."
"I've probably got more friends than you've got cows!"
"You are a big posh sod with plums in your mouth, and the plums have got beaks."
"You have big sheds that nobody's allowed in, and in these sheds are...20-foot high chickens! And they're running around terrified, saying 'Oooh, why am I so massive?'"