British Comedy Guide

I am me Page 2

God, talk about pedantic. Or do I mean pernickety? Nurse!?

o.k. you all seem to be bringing up these long complicated words, as the famous song goes "anything you can do i can do just as well" so i'm going to get my dictionary and get a big word *gets dictionary*,,,,,,ah heres on,,,,dictionary. ow and don't worry about this monkeybeard, we normally talk about the comedy of the world, but we thought that we would entice you in with a display of knowledge ;) i'll say it again, you are welcomed to this site by everyone, you are officially hello'ed

Quote: charley rance @ January 19, 2007, 2:37 AM

I have a very,, very,, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very sexy voice......

Prove it, "bi-atch".

Quote: Aaron @ January 19, 2007, 3:25 PM

Prove it, "bi-atch".

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Give me your number and I shall prove it.


Ps..Be warned. You are very likely to fall in love with me. Oh and thats even if you are gay.. Lovey

I'm good thanks. Errr

...I think some others around here may be interested though.

(Modest little madam, ain't she?)


Awwwwww! I was all set for it too.

I dont want anyone else. I want just you.
I went and got my little friend Roger Real Good, the Rabbit. (oh how i love the Roger Real Good). I put my black silky, see thru, nickerless, braless thingy on. (I think it's clean).

My hand was perched 2 cm from my telephone ready to call you.

If you prefer you can set me a spelliing test. You correct me while I set to speed (Fast as Fook) & just vibrate

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease can we.
Pretty please with bright red chunky cherries on top.

Would you like my cherry. It goes *pop* you know...

I love you realy Aaron..Mostly tho coz you is the boss.



I've decided to re-introduce myself as I've started posting on here again after a long time away from posting on all forums for an incident that occurred on another forum that put me off them (which I won't go into here)

Anyway, hello everyone my name is monkeybeard and I'm a writer

Welcome, I'll avoid adding to any of the history on this here post.

I wondered how I'd missed this! happy re-welcome monkeybeard :D


I guess you've spent all this time recovering from your encounter with Charley.

¡Hola! Have fun Monkeybeard.

Hello again Wave


Hello and welcome! :)

Welcome MonkeyBeard - talk about starting a bar-room fight and walking off.

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