You need to watch this comedy series I just finished watching it, it's hilarious.
Being Eddie black comedy series
What do we think folks? Spam?
I think its racist. If there was a series called 'Aaron being white' there would be uproar!
Don't be so stupid. It's perfectly ok to attack white people!
Thats not what the police told me, when they arrested me for kicking Chelsea Pensioners up the bum, and knocking off their hats.
Unless Kristen gives us a good enough reason not to delete... I think SPAM!
Tick tick tick....
It's a total spam fritter!

u people are out of your mind! I love this and since this was a forum about sitcoms, just wanted to put you guys up on some funny. This isn't spam!!! And also, it isn't racist. Loosely based on life experiences by the creator. Before you comment read the site and understand what the show is. and Charisma... ur an idiot!
Ok Kristen, that's fine, but you have to admit, your original post does seem like you're just trying to push your own site!
I'll have a look at it later (at work at the moment).
Sorry Kristen - we often get one off posts which can be seen as SPAM.
Thanks for sharing.
Why not pop over to our introductions forum and introduce yourself, and sorry for any misunderstanding.
Quote: KRISTENGURL09 @ March 13, 2008, 3:17 PMand Charisma... ur an idiot!
Thanks, nice to meet you too.
And Kristen... u dnt undastnd jks! T'was a little jab at the PC people. I'm still waiting for the Music of White Origin (MOWO) awards.
Right, so I took the time and effort to watch this. My initial 'racist' comment was meant as a joke because of the name of the series, but there were several lines in the episode that could have been considered racist by sensitive people.
If this was meant to be a 'comedy series' it lacked two vital characteristics. It can't be called a series because there was only one episode. It can't be called comedy because there was not one joke made in the episode. That's not meant as a harsh criticism (i.e. the attempted jokes weren't funny), but I genuinely didn't think any jokes were made or what was intended to be funny.
The concept for it seemingly is that at the end of each episode, you answer a question and determine the route of the story. Interesting concept. Not an intriguing concept though when the story is that dull you don't really care whether he shaves his mustache off or not.
Thanks though for "putting us up on some funny".
And when I called u an idiot, Charisma, I was joking.
In defense, im sure there will be other eps. maybe calling it a series was a little premature, but you know what I meant. And shit, I thought the show was funny. If you didn't... ur loss. But that's not going to stop me from sharing with this forum shows that I like.
Lastly, I have friends in corporate America and I have worked in that arena. It is brutal. I don't think this show was designed to be joke-y but I think the intentions and humor is built around absurd situations that are funny if you can relate. Just like with all humor and story telling. which is why most of this shit that's on the air is shit that we've seen a million times over. This is a new fresh perspective and I like it.