British Comedy Guide

Unicycle Page 4

Some of these dudes on YouTube are nuts! I want one now. I skateboarded for 5 years (sucked though) and did aggressive inline skating for around 3 years perhaps Unicycling is my thing. hmmmmm

I did the Hovis London bike ride last summer and one dude did the whole course on a unicycle.

And that's just one of my many unicyle anecdotes.

Go on, give us another!

(Oo er.)

Actually, I was being bold. That's all of them.

Bugger. You got me all excited for a moment there.

I used to cycle to uni. Guess what I went on?

Your own?

Quote: Aaron @ April 22 2008, 4:31 PM BST

Your own?

Laughing out loud

Is it really that easy to deduce? :( Teary

Ian sets 'em up and Aaron knocks 'em down. You're like the Laurel wait they were funny. The Chuckle I like them too. The Burke and Hare of the BSG.

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