Wednesday 2nd April 2008 4:07am
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Can't say I've ever heard of Frosty Jacks before, and those little trailers are so painful I'll purposely steer clear of it on principle.
I'm getting a really strange vibe from Laura, Ben and Him. I feel as if I shouldn't like it - but I can't help really rather enjoying it. I'm beginning to wonder if that's the stigma of recent British sketch-show-output.
Sooo yeah, a bit hit and miss (as is the nature of sketch shows), and Laura's still the star for me. Great to see the horse lady back, although thought the impressions this week were a bit too 'out there'. Great new twist on the fruits, but must admit I missed the lesbian and the Narnia guy - although at least it's good not to see the ideas being raped week-in, week-out as would be the case elsewhere.
So all in all, a very good show really. Yes there's the odd dud (dudd?) few, but that's the inherent nature of sketch shows. It's certainly much better than a lot of the recent offerings. Looking forward, as ever, to next week's episode.
... Although I still feel I shouldn't be liking it much!