Tuesday 11th March 2008 10:52pm
51,287 posts
I don't back peddle.
As for any other skits I have written, to me the only bad joke is an unfunny joke. Beyond that, anything goes. Comics are the people who draw subjects into the main stream. Comedy isn't only about making people laugh, it's also about opening discussions, and forcing unpleasant subjects into the public arena. Often to joke about a group in society is to draw them in (the most unjoked about minorities are often the most abused).
To be honest there are few things I hate quite as much, as sanctomonious hypocrisy. Bernard Manning was never more pathetic, then when running through his little list of people he wouldn't joke about.
A good joke, doesn't have to be small, and mean spirited (aka nasty), this one was.
Why not just write a better one?