I think you did the right thing. This stinks to high heaven.
Wish me luck... Page 2
that sucks, sorry to hear that man.
Yer I agree with David "Tiger" Bussell... it does stink... anything that asks for money - STINKS!
It's like when people stop you on the street and tell you you look like a model...and make you pay for your photos straight up. I'm just jealous no one has told me that...it's not my fault I'm so 2 dimensional!
Like Sainsbury's?
Bad luck Tuumble... a couple years back I sent a synopsis for a spec screenplay to a US prod co and was sooo excited when they asked for the full.
When I received an e-mail saying they wanted to take things further but needed x$ to have somebody do someting or other to it, warning bells sounded, and I checked them out (my excitement and naivety had prevented this before).
I discovered that they were a well known rip-off company in the US, and someone posted on one beware board that they'd sent a spoof synopsis to this company describing a truly dire story and, surprise, surprise they thought it was the bees knees.
Still, you live and learn.
Quote: Tuumble @ March 11, 2008, 10:40 AMThe call went well and it looks to be an interesting project but unfortunately, to get the full benefit they want a minimum of $250 which I haven't got right now.
No wonder they keep chasing me then. And to think I thought they liked my stuff.
A bargepole comes to mind.