British Comedy Guide

New member asking favour

Hello everyone!
Ok, first of all I am a new member and being new to internet communities in general I have no idea whether or not it is customary to introduce myself or not. So, in order to avoid offence, here goes: I have been writing comedy for about 7 years but have only just now got up off my arse and tried to make any money off of it. I am 21 and ambitious. Right, now all formalities are over with I can get to being cheeky and asking for a favour. Yesterday morning I sent off my first script to Newsrevue (not my best I’m afraid, it was a bit rushed), but I’m pretty desperate to know if it got in or not. Since I am not on their mailing list and it’s unlikely I will be for this week, I wondered if perhaps maybe somebody could post up this weeks running order? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I look forward to getting to know you all!

Hi Ddaann and welcome.

There's a thread called Writing for Newsrevue on this page, and generally one of us puts the running order on there each week. It usually comes out tomorrow night, so look out for it then.

But it almost certainly won't be till next week now.

Excellent. Thanks for the help guys!

Welcome, I'm going to move this to introductions.

Everything you want to know on newsrevue his here:

Quote: Paul W @ March 6, 2008, 9:03 AM

Welcome, I'm going to move this to introductions.

Everything you want to know on newsrevue his here:

And here:

Hi ddaann and welcome to the show!

¡Hola! and welcome ... have fun!

'Ello 'ello 'ello, said the three-headed policeman. :) :) :)

Hheelllloo dan.

Hey ddaann!

Hi ddaann from Mr Wang's yoyo dojo of death.

Quote: ddaann @ March 5, 2008, 9:37 PM

Yesterday morning I sent off my first script to Newsrevue (not my best I’m afraid, it was a bit rushed)

Just one thing about writing in general, if you know your material is lacking then you're not giving yourself the best, if any, chance of getting commissioned.

Why don't you post it in the critique?


Hello dddddaaaaannnnn! Wave

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