This is a rewritten sketch of an idea I had months ago.
Int. Off Licence.
Man enters with an empty vodka bottle. An assistant is behind the counter. The man puts the bottle on the counter.
Man: Hello, mate. I bought this bottle of Vodka yesterday, but there was something wrong with it.
Assistant: I see.
Man: I've got my receipt, so if you can sort me a refund out please.
Assistant: What exactly was wrong with it?
Man: It was past it's sell by date.
Assistant: Sell by date?
Man: Yeah. I drank it, over the course of 10 minutes, and was left feeling a little peaky.
Assistant: Peaky?
Man: Yeah. Loss of balance, vomiting, headaches, a tendency to upset the wife.
Assistant: I think you may have been, what we in the trade call, pissed.
Man: And you're qualified to give that diagnosis are you?
Assistant: As a matter of fact, yes. I'm a doctor.
Man: What are running an off license for then?
Assistant: It’s a new NHS sideline. We’re a bit strapped for cash.
Man: What?!
Assistant: And, it helps to inflict some extra liver damage on the nation.
Man: What good does that do?
Assistant: Keeps me in a job. It's a win-win situation.
Man: But what do I get out of this?
Assistant: How about 'buy 2 bottles of vodka, get a prescription free'?
Man: Done
They shake hands.