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SOLDIER: Hail, King Leonidas! Leader of the Spartans! See his
mighty hands! How they crush his enemies! Behold! His
powerful legs, carrying him into battle! Witness his
awesome arms with karate action and kung-fu grip!

LEONIDAS: Yes, yes, what is it?

SOLDIER: Well... me and the lads... we've been talking...

LEONIDAS: Ah. You are contemplating tomorrow's battle. We
face overwhelming odds against an enemy bent on our

SOLIDER: All right. You don't have to keep going on about it.

LEONIDAS: But hear me now, soldier. Though we may die a hideous
death of the field of battle, one day you will be played
in a major film by a bloke wearing a leather posing-

SOLDIER: Thank you. That's very reassuring. But it's not that.
It's just - well - we were just wondering - I mean,
I know we ARE the Spartans and everything but is it
really necessary to be QUITE so Spartan?

LEONIDAS: What? What is this?

SOLDIER: To put it bluntly, I'd like a cushion.


SOLDIER: Yes, at the moment we're all sitting on rocks and it's
very uncomfortable. They're not even normal rocks!
You make us sit on pointy ones! Look, I've got a

LEONIDAS: We are MEN OF SPARTA! We eschew girlish luxury! We
relish PAIN and SUFFERING - pain readies the soldier for
battle, just as hunger readies the wolf before a kill!

SOLDIER: Well, that's as may be, but the toilet facilities in
this camp are disgraceful! We need somewhere we can
sit and read the papers. And I'm sorry - but a bucket
with a hedgehog in it simply won't do.

LEONIDAS: Gah! You REJECT the Spartan way then! Fie and shame!
The bucket is to remind the Spartan man of his humility.
and the hedgehog is - the hedgehog represents - look,
it's - I just don't like hedgehogs, okay?

SOLDIER: And where's the toilet roll?

LEONIDAS: Toilet roll?!? TOILET ROLL??? We are Spartans! Men
of SPARTA! We do NOT pamper our pooholes with soft,
tender tissue!

SOLDIER: All right! All right! Keep your hair on! What am I
supposed to use, then?

LEONIDAS: How about this?


SOLDIER: A cheese grater?

LEONIDAS: Aye, 'tis only fitting.

SOLDIER: But doesn't it hurt?

LEONIDAS: Only when you squat in the tin bath full of lemon juice

SOLDIER: Oh, this is ridiculous. I could understand it when you
made us stand outside for ten hours in the freezing cold
wearing nothing but a sock. But when you told us we
had to go on a 6 mile run with a squirrel shoved up our
back passage - what was that all about then?

LEONIDAS: Preparation! You never know what the enemy is going
to throw at you next!

SOLDIER: Well, I'm pretty sure we can rule out arse-dwelling
rodents, don't you?

LEONIDAS: Look, it's not like I don't endure all these hardships
along with you. There is not one task my soldiers
undertake that I would not willingly bear myself.

SOLDIER: I don't remember seeing you on that march! And what's
that behind your back?

LEONIDAS: Nothing... nothing...

SOLDIER: You've got chocolate biscuits!

LEONIDAS: No I haven't!

SOLDIER: Ooh! You bloody have! A huge pack of chocolate
digestives and a mug of cocoa! Meanwhile, your army's
out there trying to find a way to cut a rich tea
biscuit into 300 equal parts!

LEONIDAS: A rich tea biscuit!? Where did they get that??

SOLDIER: Never mind that now... what's that noise...?


LEONIDAS: Zounds! 'Tis the enemy... and they're armed with...


LEONIDAS: To arms, men! To arms! Tonight we dine in Hell!!

SOLDIER: Given the circumstances, your majesty - I would but
ask one thing...

LEONIDAS: No you bloody can't have a chocolate biscuit. Sod off.


Very Monty python. Made me giggle. I especialy liked this....

SOLDIER: A cheese grater?

LEONIDAS: Aye, 'tis only fitting.

SOLDIER: But doesn't it hurt?

LEONIDAS: Only when you squat in the tin bath full of lemon juice

I liked the lemon juice bit best as well.

I think it may be a bit too long, but it was still good and very well written.

Very good. Best thing I've read on here for a while. Nice one.


For a long sketch it's got remarkable legs. Reminesent of Not the 9 O'clock News, and Python in all the right ways. It's very funny.

Really enjoyed this, very funny. I thought it was let down by the last line though...just my opinion :)

Are you the same Symon who used to grace 4laughs about a year back?!

And the sketch wasn't bad I feel it could be worked on a bit more and the punchline have more of a cick too it. But all round I liked it.

And welcome Wave

That is fab. The situation/characters would be great for a sitcom

I read this dreading a Meet the Spartans kind of thing but was pleasantly surprised. Good job. The only criticism I have would be that you could afford to shorten it a bit.

Yep, I'm the same Symon! 4Laughs seems a bit quiet these days!

Thanks for all the comments, I'll take them on board and edit...

Quote: Symon @ March 5, 2008, 10:02 PM

Yep, I'm the same Symon! 4Laughs seems a bit quiet these days!

Thanks for all the comments, I'll take them on board and edit...

:O I'm cosmos, I remember loving your work, you did a hilarious sketch on a team of masterbating teenagers!

I loved that! Post it!


I mean welcome to the forum Wave

Cheers Cosmos! I remember you!

You mean this sketch... I seem to recall it got a mixed reception, probably because I was actively trying to be as tasteless as possible.

The scene - a American high school locker room - the coach is prepping his team prior to sending them out.)

COACH: Okay team! What are you gonna do?

TEAM: win!

COACH: Now get out there and DO IT!

(The team exits cheering. But the coach stops Andy from following them.)

COACH: Andy, could I speak to you?

ANDY: But coach, I'm supposed to be out there. The team need me.

COACH: Don't worry about the team. We need to talk.

ANDY: Coach? what's wrong?

COACH: It's your times - I notice you've been getting slower lately.

ANDY: Have they really? I hadn't noticed.

COACH: Well, earlier in the season we had you clocked at 9.87 seconds. Today in trials I had you at... (checks watch) 5 hours 37 minutes.

ANDY: Woah. I see what you mean.

COACH: That's right. It's a subtle, but definite deterioration in your performance. That's why I have no choice but to drop you from the masturbation team.

ANDY: You can't be serious!

COACH: I'm afraid so Andy. This school has a long an proud tradition of coming first at coming first. The state Toss-Off championships are next month and we can't be going into them with one man down. Or at least, only halfway up.

ANDY: But masturbation is my life!

COACH: I know, I know. It was a tough decision to have to take.

ANDY: Coach, I tried, I really did. Last week I tried picturing you and all the things you said to inspire me. The next thing I knew it was ten hours later and I had a blister in a really weird place.

COACH: I remember it well. That was the day of the Soggy Biscuit Relay debacle. We tasted defeat that day. And it was... salty.

ANDY: I don't know what went wrong, coach.

COACH: It just breaks my heart. You used to be our star player. Why I remember your freestyle performance last year. The way you managed to incorporate a triple lutz with back flip on the landing and still get the red ball in the corner pocket. It was inspirational!

ANDY: I remember. I used the theme from "The Deer Hunter" as my music. My uncle helped with the choreography.

COACH: And then you went on to set the record for distance Why, I believe that linesman never properly regained sight in his left eye.

ANDY: Coach, I can be that athlete again! I swear! Just give me one more chance!

COACH: Andy, I'd like to. But there are plenty of teenage boys in this school
desperate to get onto the masturbation team. Right now I'm having to beat them off with a stick.

ANDY: Please coach! I'll practice! I swear!

COACH: If only we can figure out what happened to you, Andy. Have you been using anything to enhance your performance?

ANDY: No, coach!

COACH: Well dammit, why not? I have plenty here... "Boobs and Bums Monthly", "Legs and Nipples Daily", "Foot and Flange Weekly".

ANDY: Yeah, see, my girlfriend doesn't like me looking at that stuff...

COACH: Girlfriend? Girlfriend??? Are you having SEX, Andy?

ANDY: Well... sure... Is that wrong, Coach?

COACH: No, there's nothing wrong with underage sex, Andy. And anyone who tells you otherwise is either a killjoy or my parole officer. But here's what I want you kids to do from now on. The next time you have sex with your girlfriend, make sure she's not there at the time, ok?

ANDY: Wow, why didn't I think of that?

COACH: I think you're going to be just fine Andy. Now shave those palms, put your safety goggles on, and win one for the team!

ANDY: Wooooo! Go Weasel Whackers!

(Andy leaves the room, the coach hears a cheer then a groan. Andy returns.)

COACH: Andy! What happened?

ANDY: I'm sorry coach! It... it just went off in my hand!

COACH: Oh dear god! A false start?

ANDY: I'm afraid so.

COACH: Oh Andy -

ANDY: Yes?

COACH: You are SUCH a w@nker.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Ah memories...

Ladies and Gents, Symon.

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