British Comedy Guide

TILT - full details on submitting, plus some tips Page 3

Quote: jdubya @ March 5, 2008, 1:15 PM

thanks Mark and Dave.

How do we know Mark is really Mark? Surely that's not a real name?

Quote: ContainsNuts @ March 5, 2008, 1:38 PM

How do we know Mark is really Mark? Surely that's not a real name?


be sure to send that in

Anyway, there's a bit more info here:

Dave Cohen, being the really nice guy he is, has now very kindly also written a more in-depth guide on how to write a good sketch for Tilt. I'd suggest this article is required reading for anyone who wants to succeed with this opportunity...

If you have any questions do post them here as Dave will be logging on later to answer some of them.

Thanks Mark/Dave -- the article is very helpful.


The 'invited non-commissioned writers' were those of us lucky enough to get a sketch on Play & Record (and, I assume one or two other open-submission shows) that the producer was involved in last year. I don't think it refers to ability as such!

Hope this helps.


That depends if I get promoted from 'invited' to 'promising'!



Great stuff from Dave. I've just been reading Aristole's Poetics actually so it sunk in nicely.

Yes I think Dan has it summed up. The commissioned writers are still putting the show together, Victoria is also taking input from non-commissioned writers who impressed her last time - then from 21st March its every writer for him and herself. I'll let you know of any further developments.

Thanks Dave I will ready my comedic kungfu.

Just wondering about the submissions format, should we be sending 1 e-mail with several sketches attached or an individual e-mail per sketch?

I guess one e-mail with everything in it. They'll be getting a lot of stuff.

Next week Dave Cohen will launching a new sketch reading service via this website. To find out more see this link:

Full details next week. If you're looking to succeed with Tilt I'd suggest this is certainly something to consider!

As an aside, I'd suggest everyone should be putting all their effort into getting some material onto this show. It is exactly this sort of show that could get the BBC to 'notice' you.

Earlier today I interviewed a well-known comedy writer for a feature that will hopefully be approved to appear on this site soon. Six years ago, this person was in the same position as many on you - but their career got a jump-start after a couple of carefully honed sketches they had sent in attracted the attention of a BBC producer. Tilt is the next opportunity to try this route in.

Has nay one received the letter describing the stuff they wanted covered yet?

No. I haven't. I got an initial email with a very rough brief when I sent my CV and a sketch in, but not heard nothing, no siree, since.

Oh, I didn't even get that! Can I get a peek?

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