BBC journalist is interviewing two people
88% of people who were poled on whether we should join Europe, have demanded a referendum. First of all Ada Mira Hitler a Daily Mail reader.. What do you think about Europe?
It’s a bloody disgrace, Europe kills cats, rifles through bins, and poos in my garden. It should be bloody well hunted down and torn apart by a pack of savage dogs, driven on by aristocrats on horse back.
Er surely that’s a fox. Now Mr Sam Demback, a Sun reader, what do you think about Europe?
Europe eh, they fly over here, and shit on every thing, then they all shag each other in the streets, it’s a disgrace.
BBC Aren’t those pigeons? Have either of you been to Europe?
Sam and AdaNo
Have either of you seen Europe?
Sam and AdaNo
Why not look through my binoculars, it’s over there.
Hands them a pair of binoculars, they looks.
It’s huge,
And it’s getting closer, run!
They run off stage.