Ext. Street. 10 am
A man is standing on the pavement and looking impatient. He sees someone walking towards him.
Man: About time!
A workman walks into frame in hi-vis vest etc.
Workman: I hear you’re not happy about the tarmaccing we did yesterday.
Man: Not happy?! I’m furious!
The workman looks around at the pavement.
Workman: Looks like a very nice piece of work this.
Man: Oh does it? Well how about I show you how it’s affected my jumping!
Workman: What?
Man: Look!
The man starts trying to jump, but appears to be stuck to the pavement.
Workman: Hmmm, I wonder what’s happened here.
Man: Perhaps I stumbled into an area of dense gravity!
Workman: You think?
Man: NO! Your associates tarmacced me here!
Workman: You weren’t holding them up were you?
Man: No. Well, I did look down at my shoelaces for a split second, but-
Workman: Ah, you see we’re working to very tight deadlines.
Man: I don’t care! I’ve been here all night.
Workman: All night?
Man: Oh no, I popped off home for a few hours between 3 and 6 a.m! YES! ALL night!
Workman: Can’t you just take your shoes off?
Man: I’m not leaving these here! They cost £120!
Workman: I think I’ve got an idea.
CUT TO: Ext. Street. 11 am
The workman is using a cutting tool on the pavement around the man’s feet. The workman finishes.
Workman: How’s that?
The man pulls his feet out of the pavement but still has a large piece of tarmac stuck to each foot. He struggles to walk, but just manages it.
Man: I guess that’ll have to do.
The man starts to heavily walk up the street.
Man: (Muttering) Unbelievable. Totally unbelievable!