British Comedy Guide

Moderators Page 4

Quote: Paul W @ March 2, 2008, 12:48 PM

Yep Ellies next.

I think Adam should have like an "Ex Mod" instead of "member" type badge. like ex miltary but he has less stories about killing different races and more about calling spammers c**ts.

Laughing out loud That would be awesome.

Quote: Charley @ March 1, 2008, 11:59 PM

Why did you resign.

I resigned on a point of principle which was that the other mods thought I should have some Laughing out loud

I was too busy. Its the downside of having a life :(

Awwwww! I demand you re-instate yourself.

My website should be ready by july does anyone want to be a moderator ?

How much does it pay? Because Aaron & Mark are pretty generous when it comes to our wages.

You will get paid but you have to do so many hour's before you do.

How many hours? I'm not looking to move but I was just wandering...

Jake. You. Are. Brilliant.

Quote: EllieJP @ March 3, 2008, 4:47 PM

How many hours? I'm not looking to move but I was just wandering...

About 3 hour's a day min.

You still haven't said what the site is about Jake.

Oh sorry it is about comedy from the 1960's-now, it will have clips of comdy shows and a forum like this one but with a different lay out of course.

Better lay out?

Just a good I would say.

Quote: jake how @ March 3, 2008, 4:52 PM

Oh sorry it is about comedy from the 1960's-now, it will have clips of comdy shows and a forum like this one but with a different lay out of course.

Okay, how will you make your site better than this one?

Quote: jake how @ March 3, 2008, 4:55 PM

Just as good I would say.

Good answer.

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