Another one of my rather hopeless (and potentially racist), attempts to get into Watsons Wind up (more luck getting into the Queens pants,)
Big Yin
Two professors at Glasgow university.
I hate those lardy dar swine at Edinburgh with their fancy Hector supercomputer
Aye it’s even got a poofs name, and what’s so fancy about being able to do 60,000,000 equations a minute,
Well get a load of this
Sound of a cloth being pulled back, followed by giant computer sounds.
It’s Glasgow universities very own Big Yin,
Prof2You beauty, how many equations can it do a minute?
I calculate you in a minute, you scumbag, did you spill my mainframe?
It can out drink, 5 Cray computers, and it’s already asked the Indian Super Computer, if it fancies it’s chances, it can start 100,000,000 rucks a minute.
A proud day for Glasgow, how goes the ned cloning experiments,
They’ll be ready, for the next Edinburgh festival.
They laugh evilly