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Year 2020 Page 4

Found it, and what a dull old forum it is. If that's meant to be scary then I may grow side locks, buy an enormous kippar and dance the streets of Stepney, singing Hava Nagila.

Actually quite funny, especially Muslim humour, big chunks on wanking (what is it with wanking and the internet it's every where), and Satan talking to people.

And of course great tiresome lumps about naughty English chavs, whistle full dreaming about a UK Khalifate, and rude stuff about Jews, and Israel (quite mild actually, and the few guys who went over the edge got pulled up).

Reminded me of some charming anarchist, and Trotskyite chums of mine. Who work for social services, and accountancy firms, whilst planning class war (just so long as their kids can go to the right schools).

Karl Marx lived in the UK for years, and was tolerated, and generally only caused trouble by getting pissed, and stealing Police man's helmets, and other Bery Woosteresque pranks.

It's important to remember that the freedom this country has enjoyed for centuries comed down to one thing. We judge people on what they do, not what they say.

Quote: bushbaby @ February 28, 2008, 4:54 PM

They don't want to be English and hate the very thought/sight of us. They hate our decadence and chav way of living as that's how they see us all. There is no allegiance whatsoever to the country they live in anywhere other than Islam countries, their loyalty is to Allah full stop. See but you have to register to be able to see the 'current' forum. There's so much hatred on there it's unbelievable, racism isn't the strongest word I can think of for it. We are referred to as kuffirs which they know is as bad as us saying paki. All they want is for Islam to rule globally. We want them to integrate but there is nooooooooo waaaaaaaaay they do.
We are so careful not to offend not even in comedy, they laugh their socks off at us.
A mullar once said.....with your liberal laws we will overrun you then with our religion we will dominate you.
Nice eh James

That was just absolutely unbelievable. I don't even know where to begin.
Sorry BB but this is just ignorance on a very grand scale.

Quote: bushbaby @ February 28, 2008, 5:35 PM

I'm not lumping anything together, just muslims. I joined that board two years ago, I felt really sorry for the way muslims seemed to be treated and went on there to see if something could be done, any small thing.
I asked would they think a multicultural day would be a good idea, an official one established by the government, whereby, one day a year all cultures could come together and do sort of....morris dancing for christians, eastern dances etc. Food stalls where we could find out about each others food, find out about different cultures.
I was not only laughed at, I was more or less told to bugger off (although they don't swear) they didn't need us and were quite happy in their own communities. One poster said...we do not need you lot, go away and stop bothering us on here.
This is my last post on the subject as this is hardly the place.

Then try this post Ian and stop shit stirring.
i said it's my last word. Posters love conflict on here. We've said our piece so leave it alone

*Walks AWAY from the forum...*

Anyway... How was the weather in your part of the world today? Quite nice by me. For a change.

Quote: James Williams @ February 28, 2008, 5:29 PM

I'm not prepared to enter into a sophisticated debate about who sets the news values....

I think you have an absolute self-belief in yourself. You may try and draw a line between the 'Going Out For an English' and 'Year 2020' but it all rises and falls on whether it’s to your taste or not.

I know of several people who have felt that the 'Goodness Gracious Me' sketch was racist because they were offended at the way British culture was sent up. My view was and still is that it was funny and worth lampooning. Whatever you think about the two sketches the point remains that if one is perceived to be racist then so can the other.

At the end of the day spitting out 'racist' is as cowardly and fatuous a point of view as anyone could wish to find. It's not clever, it's not smart and it is very, very, intolerant.

A few questions to those opposed to immigration: How do you feel about the south coast of Spain being almost entirely English-speaking? Is that acceptable, or should all those people move back to where they came from? Is freedom of movement inherently a bad thing, or is it only when people are "incoming"?

Also, at one point in history do you draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable migration of people?

I think the difference between the sketch at the top of this thread and "Going Out For An English" has nothing to do with taste. Poking fun at recognisable traits of many members of an ethnic <b>majority</b> is entirely different from writing a sketch that basically says "This country's going to the dogs 'cos of people whose ancestors weren't Saxons."

How anyone can go on about jolly old England and how all immigrants should be forced to learn the Queen's English and appear forever grateful to be living here really astounds me.

How dare we be so uncharitable, when as a nation we committed some of the worst atrocities recorded in human history during the building of the Great British Empire.

Millions died in India as the British starved the population by exporting all the rice to the UK.

Hundreds of thousands of Kenyan villagers were herded into concentration camps and tortured in the most inhumane ways possible when they dared complain about the white colonist's aquisition of their best land and property.

Thousands upon thousands of Tazmanian aborigines died of alien diseases brought to their land by British settlers.

The evacuation of Diego Garcia only happened 40 years ago, where the British evicted an entire culture from their coral paradise island to make way for an American military base. They were dumped in the slums of Mauritius, many dying of poverty.

The list goes on and on and on. As a nation we have so much blood on our hands, yet our children are never taught about this. German children are taught all about the Holocaust, but our youngsters are completely oblivious to this country's tyrannical and murderous history.

So again, how any Brit has the brass f**king balls to complain about foreigners is quite beyond me.

Sorry if that sounded like a rant - it's a subject I feel strongly about.

Here, here, and frankly the Irish potato famine, was very much taken advantage of by the British. To an extent close to genocide.

As for history I am always amused by how we teach the 50 years of the 100 years war we won in schools. the French the 50 they won.

You're so right Perry but it aint nothing to do with me, I wasn't here but I am now

Anyway, getting back to the sketch, i like it.

Quote: James Williams @ February 28, 2008, 4:46 PM

Seriously, it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have the Asian character IMO.

You are treating people of ethnic origin as if they aren't English, which is wrong.

Laughing out loud

Quote: James Williams @ February 28, 2008, 5:04 PM

It's a clever and sophisticated inversion of white yob culture and it made me laugh.

This sort of universal labelling is unbelievable. In today's age perhaps pensioners are the only sector of society whose possible racism can be "forgiven".

So, hands up who thinks Jade Goody is a saint and a voice of the people?!


I knew I should of got Jake How in here earlier. Why is it that when it comes to these sort of subjects on a comedy writers' forum that many people seem to have to show everyone how 'OK' they are with those of different races and creeds. Why do they have to go to such lengths?

The sketch, in my eyes, is a comment on a policy. Just in the same way you would take a sketch on drugs or gambling policy to a ludicrous extreme the writer has done so here. You may not agree with the view, I don't, but this McCarthite labelling of racist is ridiculous. Untill Up4it pisses in a bowl of meat and feeds it to his black cleaner I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Quote: Up4it @ February 27, 2008, 9:09 PM


What is the problem being here?

SCOTTISH GUY: (Passport control)
It's this couple here. They are trying to enter Britain!

Oh yes, and?

SCOTTISH GUY: (Waving a couple of passports)
And they're only bloody ENGLISH!

Oh dearie me. Oh no, no, no. It is being a very good job that we tightened up our borders.



Hi folks!

Hope I'm not too late to join the fun.

Firstly I didn't find it funny. I get the premise; that English people are being refused entry because they are English, but I think the same point could have been made with more finesse. The set-up is expounded weakly, and the premise for the couple being refused entry is not explained…is it merely because they are English and we must accept that all Scots and Asians hate white English people? I assume it is a racial issue, as presumably a black or brown English person would not be refused entry?

Obviously the humour is based in a political viewpoint I don’t share, but I’m not sure it’s even logically consistent with that view. I mean, maybe if you ended by saying, “I’m afraid you were away for a few days longer than you mentioned so in the meantime we moved a family of Kosovans into your house. Perhaps you’d like to try Iceland, I understand there’s some vacancies there…but we’re full”.

(I also like the idea somebody else had of some middle English types seeking asylum fro the weather in the Sudan)

Of course the immigration officer could be Scottish, or even white English and the immigration policy would be the target. The only reason I can see for having the “hilarious” 1970s Indian accent is to draw attention to a clear racial divide, which you obviously (and erroneously) feel characterises the immigration issue. Having a Scottish character seems to characterise the Scots as English haters, rather than as you later said referencing Gordon Brown…if you want to do that I suggest you elevate the sub-text to the meta-text, otherwise us thicky guardian readers might think you’re just having a pop at the Sweaties.

Secondly, the difference between this and “going for an English”, aside from the technical ability on display is that it holds a mirror up to behaviour that is still quite common in Indian restaurants. It relies on the absurdity of the roles being reversed, and is beautifully observed (ordering Lassis instead of lagers for instance). I’m not sure how you would find it racist, its target is a particular area of English society…at no point has the sketch implied that all English people are lager louts. The sketch above lazily places and Asian and Scottish stereotypes in the situation, their defining characteristic, in fact their only characteristic, is their ethnicity, from which we are supposed to infer that they would naturally hate white English people.

Finally, some of the more general posts on “them Islams” or whatever, are just sadly ill-informed, It’s a shame you choose to view an entire group of people based upon your limited experience on an internet forum. I suppose that’s why I’m responding really, because I wouldn’t want a casual observer to assume this forum comprises unfunny racists.

All racist ill will is doomed in the modern world in my opinion. Kids in schools just get on with each other mostly regardless of colour or whatever religion has been imposed on them. It's the old gits like us lot who won't see eye to eye. With all the information and accountability available these days the religious nutters are up against it trying to put the kids off all the goodies that are out there. We are all just plain sheets of paper when we are young and life writes its own story as we grow and use the knowledge we gain to judge our world and take part in it. The human race has finally put its foot on the first step of becoming a global mindset thanks to the web.

Fukk the past,you can't blame a modern German for Shitler and you can't blame us English for being the best looking and most intelligent section of all the Britons.

There is nothing better than to see faces smiling and laughing, It's the spice of life and when smiling and laughing is between different cultures and nationalities its even nicer.

That,is how the world will be changed, by what makes it get on better, NOT by what will divide it.

Fukk all religions and bigots.

I've probably said to much already, and already said this, but here goes.

I only read what people write, and thats it. If Hitler wrote a genius skit on this forum, about binge drinking in the UK. I'd say LOL, put some more rude words in it and the News Revue will use it.

If I say something is racist, I am referring to the skit and ONLY the skit. If you put stuff in critique it's one hopes because you expect fair appraisal.

So I don't know if any one here is racist, and more to the point assuming that I could by what you type would be the hight of arrogance.

I said the skit was racist, because thats how the skit seemed to me. It was also not hugely funny to me (and some times I find racist humour embarrassingly funny, I love Manning, Chapelle, and Mason).

Thats my opinion given, because by putting up there you in essence asked for it. I say it seems racist to me, because I suspect thats how the BBC, News Revue, and an audience would view it.

For what it's worth the responses on an other subject, were actually of help to me in my choice of subject matters.

A poor friend will always tell you your stuff is great. A good friend will tell you, you could do better. I hope I have good friends here.

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