British Comedy Guide

Hello goes here


This looks like an interesting and helpful site and somewhere where people give constructive criticism, so that's all good. I'm mainly an animator with a few writing credits to my name, but only in short form stuff (an Aardman thing called Angry Kid, if you're interested).

I'm currently developing a cartoon series called Some Grey Bloke, putting short episodes on YouTube as I do them whilst working on full-length scripts in my spare time.

Nice to meet you all, I hope (I noticed some kind of user-drama and banning in a quick skim through the forums, but don't know what that was about..)


Nice to meet you too, Mike!

Hello and welcome to the forums!
That drama was transient and uncharacteristic of the forum btw, I wouldn't worry about that it's aaaaaall gone now.

Hellooooooooooooo Wave

Hello got a link,

Oh yeah. Link to my YouTube channel:

Hellooooooooooooooo. Wave

Quote: Mike Greybloke @ February 25, 2008, 7:38 PM

I'm currently developing a cartoon series called Some Grey Bloke.

That's not about me is it?

Hello and welcome.

Hi Mike, welcome from another Mike!

Welcome. Great stuff, I remember one of your videos when it was featured on the mighty tube, the gym one I think it was.

Hello Wave

Charley bluegal.

Hey Mike... welcome to the forums!!

Damn Charley you beat me to it... I was going to to go for Ellie Redgal!

Hey Mike,

I have seen pretty much all of the Angry kid videos they were going round the mobile phones when I was in my last year of secondary school, amusing little 30 second videos.


Thanks for the welcome, everyone.

Paul - Angry Kid was very successful on mobile phones, apparently. It's a pity the thirty-minute pilot didn't work quite as well...

Hi Mike and I just have to say that you have a most excellent site.

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